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optometry - predicted grades

what are your predicted grades for people applying for optometry
mainly at Aston

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Predicted three A's (bio, chem, psych). What other unis are you applying to?
Reply 2
Original post by joannekath05
Predicted three A's (bio, chem, psych). What other unis are you applying to?

im doing both pharm and optom well applying for both the other uni is city uni of ldn
Original post by choutr
im doing both pharm and optom well applying for both the other uni is city uni of ldn

oh thats cool, do you know which one your more likely to go for? Astons kinda my main choice for now. (only applied for optom)
Reply 4
Original post by joannekath05
oh thats cool, do you know which one your more likely to go for? Astons kinda my main choice for now. (only applied for optom)

yehn i would defo go for aston
joanne have u recieved an offer from aston yet?
Original post by Always.working
joanne have u recieved an offer from aston yet?

No just an interview which is coming up soon.
ahhh goodluck
Original post by choutr
what are your predicted grades for people applying for optometry
mainly at Aston

AAA predicted but got an offer for AAB from aston
Reply 9
Original post by ncsokjkjdcjk

AAA predicted but got an offer for AAB from aston

You’ve already done your interview? How was it?
Original post by M8-Idek

You’ve already done your interview? How was it?

really easy i swear, felt more like an informal job interview !!! i loved it my fave interview so far, a casual conversation which was lovelu
Original post by ncsokjkjdcjk
really easy i swear, felt more like an informal job interview !!! i loved it my fave interview so far, a casual conversation which was lovelu

what kind of scenario question did they ask?
Original post by Anonymous
what kind of scenario question did they ask?

It's against TSR rules to share interview questions as it gives an unfair advantage to those who follow.
Original post by ncsokjkjdcjk

really easy i swear, felt more like an informal job interview !!! i loved it my fave interview so far, a casual conversation which was lovelu

How was the interview like? Was it one person interviewing you or were their others there too?
Original post by Anonymous #2

How was the interview like? Was it one person interviewing you or were their others there too?

there was one interviewer and one student
Original post by ncsokjkjdcjk

there was one interviewer and one student

Ty btw do you know whether Aston do scenario questions or ask things about the personal statement or is that Manchester
Original post by Anonymous #2

Ty btw do you know whether Aston do scenario questions or ask things about the personal statement or is that Manchester

no ps but they do ask a scenario
Original post by ncsokjkjdcjk

no ps but they do ask a scenario

Is it a very random scenario or would it be linked to optometry
Original post by ncsokjkjdcjk
no ps but they do ask a scenario

Might sound silly but do Aston ask why optom 🙈
Original post by Anonymous #3

Might sound silly but do Aston ask why optom 🙈


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