The Student Room Group

Read/unread icons not displaying correctly in forums

Visiting F38, it no longer seems possible to tell which threads have already been read. Don't know if it's totally broken or just way too subtle
Original post by DFranklin
Visiting F38, it no longer seems possible to tell which threads have already been read. Don't know if it's totally broken or just way too subtle

Just to check, are you seeing different icons to these? :holmes:

Reply 2
Original post by RainbowLapras
Just to check, are you seeing different icons to these? :holmes:

I get purple "TSR logo" S's. I've cleared site data and it makes no difference.
Original post by DFranklin
I get purple "TSR logo" S's. I've cleared site data and it makes no difference.

For both icons? I'll flag that up, that doesn't sound correct!
Reply 4
Original post by RainbowLapras
For both icons? I'll flag that up, that doesn't sound correct!

@DFranklin just to let you know, I've created a new thread for you so we can keep track of this under our new feedback process! I'll do the same with the other issues you've raised, would you like me to tag you in those too?
Reply 6
Original post by RainbowLapras
@DFranklin just to let you know, I've created a new thread for you so we can keep track of this under our new feedback process! I'll do the same with the other issues you've raised, would you like me to tag you in those too?

Yes please, thanks.
Reply 7
Original post by RainbowLapras
@DFranklin just to let you know, I've created a new thread for you so we can keep track of this under our new feedback process! I'll do the same with the other issues you've raised, would you like me to tag you in those too?

So to add a bit more info:

On Desktop (Firefox), what I see is like your screenshot.
On mobile, what I said are "TSR logo" S's seem to actually be avatar icons (if present), or the 'S' as a fallback.
The number of replies to the thread are shown in a rectangular box under the icon, and that box is white if the thread is read and grey if it is unread.

Can I strongly request you go back to using bold text to signify a thread is unread; this is pretty standard and I don't see why you felt the need to change it.

Also: having the number of replies under the icon (or just to the right of it if you want to save vspace) as opposed to on the far right is a lot easier to see when you're judging which threads have a lot of traffic.
Hi, just to let you know that I've copied this into an existing thread on the read/unread icons so that you'll get notified too when there are any updates :smile:
The icons for threads I’ve posted on don’t see to have a “read” version - they all look unread.

Note: the icons only seem to show on some legacy pages. Forum pages and the homepage just show the avatar of the OP which makes everything very ugly.
(edited 1 year ago)
The icons for threads I’ve posted on don’t see to have a “read” version - they all look unread.

Note: the icons only seem to show on some legacy pages. Forum pages and the homepage just show the avatar of the OP which makes everything very ugly.

Could you try clearing your TSR cache and seeing if that makes any difference, please? I've posted an image earlier in the thread of what the forum page icons are expected to look like - if the cache clear doesn't work then I'll do some digging on this one, but would be good to rule out the cache option! I can run you through how to do this if you need :smile:
Original post by RainbowLapras
Could you try clearing your TSR cache and seeing if that makes any difference, please? I've posted an image earlier in the thread of what the forum page icons are expected to look like - if the cache clear doesn't work then I'll do some digging on this one, but would be good to rule out the cache option! I can run you through how to do this if you need :smile:

Cleared cache
this is what this forum looks like:
Safari iPhone

I can only tell read/unread by the “go to most recent post” arrow icon. No bolding, no icons just avatars of the OP
(edited 1 year ago)

Cleared cache
this is what this forum looks like:
Safari iPhone

I can only tell read/unread by the “go to most recent post” arrow icon. No bolding, no icons just avatars of the OP

Perfect, thank you - I can reproduce this on mobile, I'll do some digging on the issue tomorrow :smile:

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