The Student Room Group

New Post pop up /3 page number error

Problem Summary
New Post pop up /3 page number error

Problem Details
The New Post pop up has the wrong page number (divided by 3) in the url, so
Just popped up for the thread which is up to page 43, and that post is on page 43 so it cant be found on page 15.




Additional Information
Hi @mqb2766 - thanks for raising this 🙏

I've found the correct post ( Weird that it had the wrong page number!

Can you confirm:

Was this new post link from a notification? Or the pop up when you're already on a thread to tell you there are new replies?

Have you seen this happen any other time or for other threads?

Reply 2
Original post by dinosaurchef
Hi @mqb2766 - thanks for raising this 🙏

I've found the correct post ( Weird that it had the wrong page number!

Can you confirm:

Was this new post link from a notification? Or the pop up when you're already on a thread to tell you there are new replies?

Have you seen this happen any other time or for other threads?

As in the OP, its from the "New Post" pop up that occurs when youre in the thread.

The site traffic is fairly light so cant really say if its occurred since then, but the /3 page number error has reared up a few times since the New Thread roll out a couple of months ago.
(edited 1 year ago)
Reply 3
Original post by dinosaurchef
Hi @mqb2766 - thanks for raising this 🙏

I've found the correct post ( Weird that it had the wrong page number!

Can you confirm:

Was this new post link from a notification? Or the pop up when you're already on a thread to tell you there are new replies?

Have you seen this happen any other time or for other threads?

For the second point, yes
So the New Post pop up just now directed me to page 4 rather than page 11(?).
Reply 4
Original post by dinosaurchef
Hi @mqb2766 - thanks for raising this 🙏

I've found the correct post ( Weird that it had the wrong page number!

Can you confirm:

Was this new post link from a notification? Or the pop up when you're already on a thread to tell you there are new replies?

Have you seen this happen any other time or for other threads?

Not sure if youre still awaiting a response? Though it looks like the New Post pop up is turned off these days?
@mqb2766 can I check, are you still seeing this issue? :smile:
Reply 6
Original post by RainbowLapras
@mqb2766 can I check, are you still seeing this issue? :smile:

Cant say Ive noticed it. It was 3 months ago, but if/when the new post pop up occurs, Ill see what happens.
Reply 7
Original post by RainbowLapras
@mqb2766 can I check, are you still seeing this issue? :smile:

Just happened again (the New Post pop up) goes to
and the post is on page 58.
Reply 8
Original post by mqb2766
Cant say Ive noticed it. It was 3 months ago, but if/when the new post pop up occurs, Ill see what happens.

Noticed it happening with another post by Admit-One, but some other users New Posts pop ups seem ok, so it seems to be tied into the user.
Thanks for letting us know. I will add a bug for it with the information we have but we haven't been able to locate the issue yet.

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