The Student Room Group

Durham or York


I have put Durham as my firm choice for BA Geography, but I'm having slight cold feet about it so I'm leaning towards my insurance of York. I have researched into the two unis and have found that Durham has the prestige but is also somewhat classist and a smaller city, whereas York is less highly ranked but has a more lively vibe and a larger city. As somebody who is not massively well off I am intimidated by Durham so any advice to help alleviate my fears over Durham or to help swing my decision into one of these directions would be greatly appreciated.

Original post by Gsusisisjs

I have put Durham as my firm choice for BA Geography, but I'm having slight cold feet about it so I'm leaning towards my insurance of York. I have researched into the two unis and have found that Durham has the prestige but is also somewhat classist and a smaller city, whereas York is less highly ranked but has a more lively vibe and a larger city. As somebody who is not massively well off I am intimidated by Durham so any advice to help alleviate my fears over Durham or to help swing my decision into one of these directions would be greatly appreciated.


Do you prefer a more lively vibe in terms of city life?
Reply 2
Original post by emm4nuella
Do you prefer a more lively vibe in terms of city life?

I prefer a more lively vibe yes, but the problem is Durham is more prestigious and that's why I originally firmed it but now I'm having second doubts about it. York is supposedly more diverse too so that's a plus. I feel I rushed into the decision originally and didn't really think about it as I was blindsided by getting an offer from Durham as I really didn't expect it. To decline it would be a massive shame but the more I debate it the less secure I feel with the decision.
Original post by Gsusisisjs

I have put Durham as my firm choice for BA Geography, but I'm having slight cold feet about it so I'm leaning towards my insurance of York. I have researched into the two unis and have found that Durham has the prestige but is also somewhat classist and a smaller city, whereas York is less highly ranked but has a more lively vibe and a larger city. As somebody who is not massively well off I am intimidated by Durham so any advice to help alleviate my fears over Durham or to help swing my decision into one of these directions would be greatly appreciated.



I had offers from both Durham and York and I decided to go with York in the end, and I'm so glad I made that choice! It really is such a nice place to live and that makes a huge difference to your student experience.

Have you had the chance to visit either place and get a feel for it? Open days/offer visit days can be really helpful as you can see what it's like and chat to other students and staff members.

They are both great unis so wherever you go, I'm sure you'll enjoy it and have a great time!

If you have any questions about York, feel free to ask!

Hazel 🙂
Reply 4
Original post by University of York

I had offers from both Durham and York and I decided to go with York in the end, and I'm so glad I made that choice! It really is such a nice place to live and that makes a huge difference to your student experience.

Have you had the chance to visit either place and get a feel for it? Open days/offer visit days can be really helpful as you can see what it's like and chat to other students and staff members.

They are both great unis so wherever you go, I'm sure you'll enjoy it and have a great time!

If you have any questions about York, feel free to ask!

Hazel 🙂

I have been to both the universities yes, and I was pretty much set on Durham until a few weeks ago when I gradually started going off the idea. Can I ask what made you pick York over Durham?
Original post by Gsusisisjs
I have been to both the universities yes, and I was pretty much set on Durham until a few weeks ago when I gradually started going off the idea. Can I ask what made you pick York over Durham?


It was visiting both places that made me choose York. I just felt at home straight away on campus. I liked that everything was all in once place for studying/socialising but then the city isn't far away and there's so much to do. I met my department and instantly clicked with other offer holders and the lecturers were really nice.

Durham is a lovely place but it is much smaller so I wasn't sure if I would have the same experience. I do have friends who went to Durham and enjoyed it there, but it really depends on what's best for you!
Reply 6
Original post by Gsusisisjs
I have been to both the universities yes, and I was pretty much set on Durham until a few weeks ago when I gradually started going off the idea. Can I ask what made you pick York over Durham?

Hi, I know this is a bit old, but what did you end up picking? I am in the exact same situation, same course too. I am deciding between geography ba at durham or human geography and environment at york :smile:
Leaning towards York tbh.
Reply 7
Original post by Leverager
Hi, I know this is a bit old, but what did you end up picking? I am in the exact same situation, same course too. I am deciding between geography ba at durham or human geography and environment at york :smile:
Leaning towards York tbh.

Hey! I ended up going with York. I felt like i’d be able to fit in better at York and the city has a lot more to do, I also was drawn to the campus structure of the University as everything is close by and easily accessible. York is just a lovely city in general. Don’t get me wrong Durham is great too and you need to assess the benefits for yourself based on what you are drawn to, but for me York was definitely the right decision.
(edited 10 months ago)
Reply 8
Original post by Gsusisisjs
Hey! I ended up going with York. I felt like i’d be able to fit in better at York and the city has a lot more to do, I also was drawn to the campus structure of the University as everything is close by and easily accessible. York is just a lovely city in general. Don’t get me wrong Durham is great too and you need to assess the benefits for yourself based on what you are drawn to, but for me York was definitely the right decision.
I'm choosing York too, for the same reasons! Thanks for the reply, I guess I'll see you there then lol

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