The Student Room Group

Theatre (Surgical) Nursing


I was trying to find out how I can become a theatre nurse after my Child’s Nursing degree but I’ve not been able to find anything at all.
Would someone be able to take me through how I can go into Theatre Nursing?
Does it matter what type of nursing I do (Adults or Children’s nursing)?

Thank you.
Original post by notkierantho

I was trying to find out how I can become a theatre nurse after my Child’s Nursing degree but I’ve not been able to find anything at all.
Would someone be able to take me through how I can go into Theatre Nursing?
Does it matter what type of nursing I do (Adults or Children’s nursing)?

Thank you.

The majority of theatre nurses in most hospitals are adult trained, however many places do take on children’s nurses too. There’s often more scope for you as a children’s nurse if you look at jobs in the big children’s hospital and there’s more chance of being exposed to more complex and major cases than in a DGH.
Reply 2
Original post by notkierantho

I was trying to find out how I can become a theatre nurse after my Child’s Nursing degree but I’ve not been able to find anything at all.
Would someone be able to take me through how I can go into Theatre Nursing?
Does it matter what type of nursing I do (Adults or Children’s nursing)?

Thank you.


Many children's nurses end up working in theatres as scrub nurses/anaesthetic/recovery nurses. I know in my hospital which is a major children's hospital some students get the opportunity to complete a placement in theatres, which some of my friends have really enjoyed. As a newly qualified children's nurse you should have the skills to become a children's theatres nurse and your supernumerary period will allow you the opportunity to become confident in the area.

It may be more difficult to become a theatres nurse if you are not working in a children's hospital and working in an adults hospital with a smaller children's department as you wouldn't be adult trained which may pose an issue so my recommendation would be to try and apply for children hospitals if theatre nursing is what you are aiming for.

I would also enquire if there would be an opportunity to do a theatres placement within your trust to test out if you enjoy theatres before committing to it as a career.

I hope this is of some assistance and I wish you the best of luck with your degree,

London South Bank University Student Rep - 3rd year children's nursing

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