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how sad is my life be honest

How sad is my life in a romantic view

I'm 18, i'm a girl. Never held hands romantically, never had someone like me back, never slept with someone, never went on a date. Last time i had a crush was when i was 11 and i do sort of like someone now but i've only seen him like twice and he goes to a different school, there isnt a window for me to talk to him, ever. I don't like him that much so we can pretty much just say that i like no one atm.
I'm not totally ugly, i think the worst features is my height(i'm 5'11) my acne and my hairline. My acne is getting better and its non existent when i put makeup on which is pretty much everyday. I can't change my height but there are other girls my height and taller who are in a relationship so i dont see how its a massive deal. My baby hairs have been growing out more and more and they are now in that awkward stage where you can't put them in a pony tail or hide them very good so i just have to periodically stuck them to the side to make it less messy. I've been told that some guys have checked me out while i was on the street so that makes me think i'm not totally ugly.
I am quiet shy and quiet when you get to know me and we know that guys don't like that but i don't want to change that abt myself.
Reply 1
There are people in far worse situations than this. I don't think you have anything to worry about.
Reply 2
Where’s all this self hatred coming from 😔 I wanna give you a hug.
Reply 3
I don’t think it’s sad at all
As a teen, life is pretty **** and we can hate ourselves so much. We are own harshest judges and meanest critics sometimes. Also it doesn’t matter how many dudes check you out, know that you are beautiful. I know it can be validating but relying on this can sometimes be worse. With all that self love stuff these days sometimes it feels like it’s just a lie people say out of pity, but no, beauty truly does come from within. We can always improve ourselves but it should be BECAUSE we appreciate ourselves not out of pressure or self hatred. EG let’s say I hate my hair and I wanna dye it. No matter what colour it is i will keep coming back to hating it. But if I dye my hair because I like it and want it to be my favourite colour then that’s healthy. If I cut my hair because I love it and want to grow it healthily without split ends that’s okay not coz I hate it . Now I used the example of hair because well it’s the only non triggering one I could think of but this applies to some much in life. Please please, don’t be so harsh on yourself. The media is a b- itch and convinced us to hate ourselves. Most girls I know are in the same position as you. I used to think as a13 year old that if I didn’t have a bf by 16 I was a failure but after seeing friends go through so many situations all I care is about meeting someone when I know I’m ready. When you are ready and love yourself only then can you love someone else.

With this all being said, your height is stunning you’re the same height as Taylor Swift and look at her. Your acne is a common skin condition that loads of people go through. Just take care of your skin and follow any health advice you are receiving from a doctor or professional. My sister had really bad acne at the same age but it cleared up in a year!
It sounds like your hair is growing so just take care of it. From what I’ve heard, you’re a teen who is probably pretty and a nice enough person who is just a harsh critic of themself ❤️

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