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I want to get rid of the hurt from my ex

Title is misleading. I'm gonna preface this with me being brutally honest. I don't deserve to feel the remorse. I don't deserve to feel sad, or miss her, or any of the things that I feel. That's not me being overdramatic, or seeking validation or whatever. It's the truth. I didn't treat her right, I wasn't what she deserved and I am fully aware of that. But I miss her. I'm an idiot. You only appreciate things once they're gone, that's the sad truth. And everyone keeps telling me things get better and all that crap. None of it helps. I wake up every day and miss her. I have nightmares about her. I spend all day thinking about her, missing her or thinking about all the tiny little things about her that made her special to me. And it's the most basic generic thing ever, I know I'm not the only one but everyone experiences this or worse. But I've been really struggling with my mental health for a very very very long time and I just keep seeming to get worse and worse, and one of the biggest contributors is her. I know I don't deserve to feel this way as I already said, but it still keeps coming every day over and over and over. Every moment of solace that I can gain is clouded by how I failed her. How do I move on. It's been like 5-6 months. I don't ever want to forget her, or lose what I have learnt. But I'm still bound to her. Every time I talk to someone I feel like I'm cheating, every time I see my reflection I see what failed her, every time I feel like I should move on I feel like I'm disrespecting her memory. I Just don't know what to do. Please help. It's not only painful for me, it's disrespectful to her. And no this isn't a pity party, looking for someone to say "No no you did nothing wrong" I absolutely did and I don't need the pity. Just help me feel better, but don't tell me I wasn't wrong because that's just not true. What do I do?
Reply 1
take this whole thing as a lesson. a VERY importsnt lesson that u will hold dear to ur heart till death.

the most loving thing u can do to ur ex is treat the next girl better than any other man in the universe.

be glad u even met ur ex. glad u were actually her boyfriend for a while. u have to let go tho, its gonna take time. take all the time u need, but busy urself and ur life with other things and u have to find purpose outside of women, in the meantime.
Reply 2
perfect opportunity to up the hours in the gym. tackle emotional hurt with physical hurt.
Reply 3
Cut it completely off from your life/emotional side. You've understood everything that's happened and have probably thought about everything that's been done 1000 times. You just need to move on and find something to do or someone else to speak to. Go find some new friends or hang out with your current ones and talking to other girls only seems like cheating because you've not cut her off. You have to understand that the person you were before the last relationship isn't the person you are now, so going into a new relationship will most definitely feel different than expected.
Original post by Anonymous #1
take this whole thing as a lesson. a VERY importsnt lesson that u will hold dear to ur heart till death.
the most loving thing u can do to ur ex is treat the next girl better than any other man in the universe.
be glad u even met ur ex. glad u were actually her boyfriend for a while. u have to let go tho, its gonna take time. take all the time u need, but busy urself and ur life with other things and u have to find purpose outside of women, in the meantime.
I don't think there will be another girl icl. I don't tend to attract people anyways, but also, despite knowing my shortcomings I can't seem to make them go away. It'd be wrong to stick someone with that. there are so many things, and it probably just sounds like me catastrophising, but I just can't see it. There's the big what if of if I ruined my only chance. and the other thing of her being the one for me, and I just. I really don't know, and I like the advice, but also I guess I struggle with the optimism of it.
Reply 5
Original post by Billycatnorbert
I don't think there will be another girl icl. I don't tend to attract people anyways, but also, despite knowing my shortcomings I can't seem to make them go away. It'd be wrong to stick someone with that. there are so many things, and it probably just sounds like me catastrophising, but I just can't see it. There's the big what if of if I ruined my only chance. and the other thing of her being the one for me, and I just. I really don't know, and I like the advice, but also I guess I struggle with the optimism of it.

ur either optimistic and hope that u will find another girl which i think u will, there are many out there. and then have a chance of refinding love, and finding a women who loves u so much she will put aside ur weaknesses.

or be pessimistic and never even try, that way there isnt even the chance u will refind love.

what kind of shortcomings r u talking abt anyway?
Are you getting help for your mental health?

Do you think your condition is why you treated this girl badly or is there another reason and this has made you feel worse?
Reply 7
Original post by Billycatnorbert
Title is misleading. I'm gonna preface this with me being brutally honest. I don't deserve to feel the remorse. I don't deserve to feel sad, or miss her, or any of the things that I feel. That's not me being overdramatic, or seeking validation or whatever. It's the truth. I didn't treat her right, I wasn't what she deserved and I am fully aware of that. But I miss her. I'm an idiot. You only appreciate things once they're gone, that's the sad truth. And everyone keeps telling me things get better and all that crap. None of it helps. I wake up every day and miss her. I have nightmares about her. I spend all day thinking about her, missing her or thinking about all the tiny little things about her that made her special to me. And it's the most basic generic thing ever, I know I'm not the only one but everyone experiences this or worse. But I've been really struggling with my mental health for a very very very long time and I just keep seeming to get worse and worse, and one of the biggest contributors is her. I know I don't deserve to feel this way as I already said, but it still keeps coming every day over and over and over. Every moment of solace that I can gain is clouded by how I failed her. How do I move on. It's been like 5-6 months. I don't ever want to forget her, or lose what I have learnt. But I'm still bound to her. Every time I talk to someone I feel like I'm cheating, every time I see my reflection I see what failed her, every time I feel like I should move on I feel like I'm disrespecting her memory. I Just don't know what to do. Please help. It's not only painful for me, it's disrespectful to her. And no this isn't a pity party, looking for someone to say "No no you did nothing wrong" I absolutely did and I don't need the pity. Just help me feel better, but don't tell me I wasn't wrong because that's just not true. What do I do?
hi ! honestly i think that you should text her that instead of posting it on here. just tell her that you miss her and love her, and prove her that you have change by treating her better even if she’s not you gf anymore. you probably hurted her a lot so i really think that you should clarify things with her. gl !!!
Original post by Anonymous #1
ur either optimistic and hope that u will find another girl which i think u will, there are many out there. and then have a chance of refinding love, and finding a women who loves u so much she will put aside ur weaknesses.
or be pessimistic and never even try, that way there isnt even the chance u will refind love.
what kind of shortcomings r u talking abt anyway?
Selfish, ignorant, I lie on impulse despite trying not to, not paying enough attention or giving her enough of my time, not making an effort, boring, not complimentary, insecure. Big list of stuff
Original post by Surnia
Are you getting help for your mental health?
Do you think your condition is why you treated this girl badly or is there another reason and this has made you feel worse?
My therapist said that I have tested oncistantly for the past two months with severe depression. But I'm already pursuing getting tested for ADHD so I'll probably wait before I do anything with the depression.
Honestly I know I stopped giving her enough of my time and paying attention to her enough, but also it was while my mother was, and is still being treated for cancer and my grandad passed away. And she stuck with me through some of it, and was really nice about it, but said she just wasn't getting what she needed. And I could say 'oh my mind was preoccupied' or stuff like that, but in all honesty I should've made more of an effort and I know it is mostly my fault. I could've been better and I know that, I should've been.
Original post by Anonymous #2
hi ! honestly i think that you should text her that instead of posting it on here. just tell her that you miss her and love her, and prove her that you have change by treating her better even if she’s not you gf anymore. you probably hurted her a lot so i really think that you should clarify things with her. gl !!!
I can't do that. We had a conversation, she thanked me for everything and was really nice about it. I apologised and told her everything in my mind and how much she meant to me. But she said her friends told her that I was just lying to her. She was still nice about it, but she blocked me on everything afterwards. She blocked me on everything and moved just before the end so I have no way to contact her unless I use someone else's phone or something like that. I think about that a lot, but ultimately I know that's not respecting her boundaries, and it would be me being selfish to try and keep her with me when she wasn't happy just in order to make myself feel better. So I don't think I can or should, though I think about it a lot.
Original post by Billycatnorbert
My therapist said that I have tested oncistantly for the past two months with severe depression. But I'm already pursuing getting tested for ADHD so I'll probably wait before I do anything with the depression.
Honestly I know I stopped giving her enough of my time and paying attention to her enough, but also it was while my mother was, and is still being treated for cancer and my grandad passed away. And she stuck with me through some of it, and was really nice about it, but said she just wasn't getting what she needed. And I could say 'oh my mind was preoccupied' or stuff like that, but in all honesty I should've made more of an effort and I know it is mostly my fault. I could've been better and I know that, I should've been.
I'm so sorry to hear all this. Are you getting support for your mother being ill, like from Macmillan?

To be honest, not everyone can cope with someone who is having to deal with as much as you have been, and still are, going through. Therefore you need to stop beating yourself up over how you think you behaved with this girl. Look at the things you've listed: selfish, ignorant, not paying enough attention or giving enough time, not making an effort, insecure. To be honest, those could apply to her, too! Don't defend her and put yourself down again at me saying that; a relationship is a partnership, but sometimes things are out of your control, it's not possible to keep it balanced, and when times are tough like that is when you support each other and she hasn't been there for you.

Please please please make sure you get professional help with everything and don't be afraid to come back on here for a vent, to ask questions, whatever you need. But remember, the situation with your ex is not your fault and you deserve better! :console:
No it's fine, I had a therapist but she said I should follow my official diagnosis' before doing anything since it didn't seem to be working. I feel like it's easy to put the blame on her, but at the end of the day I'm the one who wanted her. And I should've fought harder to keep her, and done more to make her happy. I had the capacity to do so, and I should've done you know? I can't change her, and I should't have had to. She was perfect to me the way she was. The change was up to me for her. And she could've done the same in return but there's no requirement or obligation to. That was up to her. I would and do love her either way, and when I'm the one getting hurt, it Is up to me to make the improvements and put the work in. I can only speak for myself, not for someone else. And I can't throw the blame on someone baselessly. I can only apply it to myself and absolve the responsibility upon myself. That's all I can do.
"The change was up to me for her. And she could've done the same in return but there's no requirement or obligation to. That was up to her."

If you're in a relationship, you do have an obligation to change up and support your partner and she didn't. I understand youre upset about the break-up, but I really hope that you can come to see that it isn't all on you and that this girl shouldn't be on the pedestal where you've placed her. All the best.

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