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Social and health care or applied science is better in level 3

Currently, IM doing level 2 applied science BTEC, and there is a lot assignment because it divided into 3, so i found it a bit difficult.
So for level 3 i wanna do social and health care course, but don't know much about it now i just want advice social and health care or applied science is better?🙏
(edited 11 months ago)
Original post by Furtuna
Currently, IM doing level 2 applied science BTEC, and there is a lot assignment because it divided into 3, so i found it a bit difficult.
So for level 3 i wanna do social and health care course, but don't know much about it now i just want advice social and health care or applied science is better?🙏

What do you want to do after the Level 3 BTEC? Are you considering going to university? To study what?

This question might be important, as you will find more courses happy to accept a BTEC Level 3 Nationals Extended Diploma in Applied Science than in Health and Social Care. However, if you'll be applying for courses which are happy with Health and Social Care, then this is irrelevant.
Reply 2
Original post by DataVenia
What do you want to do after the Level 3 BTEC? Are you considering going to university? To study what?

This question might be important, as you will find more courses happy to accept a BTEC Level 3 Nationals Extended Diploma in Applied Science than in Health and Social Care. However, if you'll be applying for courses which are happy with Health and Social Care, then this is irrelevant.
Hello thank you for answering my questions😊
Yeah IM going to university, i might studay nursing, BUT NOT SURE YET, that's why IM a bit confused which one to choose, for level 3.
Original post by Furtuna
Hello thank you for answering my questions😊
Yeah IM going to university, i might studay nursing, BUT NOT SURE YET, that's why IM a bit confused which one to choose, for level 3.

Understood. For nursing, if a university accepts the BTEC Level 3 Nationals Extended Diploma, then they're just as happy to accept Health and Social Care as Applied Science. They'll occasionally use phrases like "as long as sufficient science units have been taken", which is so vague as to be worthless. So for nursing, you're fine

The same likely to be true of related fields (e.g. midwifery), although I haven't specifically checked. The risk with this, however, is if you decide you want to study a science or engineering-type course at uni, then Applied Science will be far more acceptable.

You have a decision to make. :smile:
Reply 4
Original post by DataVenia

Understood. For nursing, if a university accepts the BTEC Level 3 Nationals Extended Diploma, then they're just as happy to accept Health and Social Care as Applied Science. They'll occasionally use phrases like "as long as sufficient science units have been taken", which is so vague as to be worthless. So for nursing, you're fine

The same likely to be true of related fields (e.g. midwifery), although I haven't specifically checked. The risk with this, however, is if you decide you want to study a science or engineering-type course at uni, then Applied Science will be far more acceptable.

You have a decision to make. :smile:

Thank you so much😊
Reply 5
I would advice you to choose Btec applied science as it has much more options and you don’t want to restrict your options and if you try hard within the applied science course you will get good grades

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