The Student Room Group

Should I tell my bf ?

Basically four years ago I experienced a small scene of sexual assault with a guy I liked but he didn’t listen to me saying no to something I didn’t want to happen so I guess that counts as sexual assault.
Now that I have a boyfriend, we’ve been together for 9 months tomorrow and I haven’t mentioned it as only my sister and one of my friends know as I didn’t want to say anything.
But I get burning down there when turned on sometimes or even if im touched but not always- idk if it’s psychological or not?
Do I tell him as I also feel nervous all the time - could that be related or just nerves?
Do I tell him?
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Original post by Anonymous #1
Basically four years ago I experienced a small scene of sexual assault with a guy I liked but he didn’t listen to me saying no to something I didn’t want to happen so I guess that counts as sexual assault.
Now that I have a boyfriend, we’ve been together for 9 months tomorrow and I haven’t mentioned it as only my sister and one of my friends know as I didn’t want to say anything.
But I get burning down there when turned on sometimes or even if im touched but not always- idk if it’s psychological or not?
Do I tell him as I also feel nervous all the time - could that be related or just nerves?
Do I tell him?
I am so sorry that happened to you no one ever deserves anything like that to happen. If you have been dating your boyfriend for almost a year now and feel like you can completely trust him then maybe you should - its all your decision whether you decide to or not but by telling him maybe it would releive some anxiety or nervousness you feel, you should definatly talk to someone about your feelings and its good you can with your sister or friend - hope you feel better

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