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Integrated masters

Is it worth doing an integrated masters?
What are the benefits of doing integrated masters over a bachelors of science in psychology?

I'm hoping to study clinical psychology so will need to go on to do a doctorate, any advice on whether it's worth doing an integrated masters would be really helpful :smile:
Reply 1
Original post by Curious.Otter
Is it worth doing an integrated masters?
What are the benefits of doing integrated masters over a bachelors of science in psychology?
I'm hoping to study clinical psychology so will need to go on to do a doctorate, any advice on whether it's worth doing an integrated masters would be really helpful :smile:
If you want to do a doctorate that requires a masters its almost definitely worth doing (unless a masters isn't required for psychology? Im not sure if its usually required). Integrated ones have same student loan as bachelors level so the funding is way better than a standalone masters and you would go into the PhD more prepared. You should be able to switch down to the BSc later on in your degree if you choose the integrated masters (but check to be sure) so better to initially do the masters as the choice then switch down if necessary.
Reply 2
Hi, thank you so much, you've been very helpful :smile:

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