The Student Room Group

student finance mistake

ive heard quite a few people say not to cancel and reapply for student finance but can i ask why , as recently ive applied to student finance but made a mistake while applying. you see i put that i live with both my parents by accident but in fact i only live with my mum therefore its messed my entire application. ived talked to student finances over the phone and they said my mum has to prove her marriage status but it could take months to do this. would it not be easier for me to cancel my application and restart im desperate and dont know what to do at this point. a few of my friends have said that they have cancelled and reapplied with no issue accruing at this point in time but ive been too nervous to do anything as i dont want to make the issue worse. do you have any advice thank you in advance.
Reply 1
may i ask why i shouldnt cancel my current application , as recently ive applied to student finance but made a mistake while applying. you see i put that i live with both my parents by accident but in fact i only live with my mum therefore its messed my entire application. ived talked to student finances over the phone and they said my mum has to prove her marriage status but it could take months to do this. would it not be easier for me to cancel my application and restart im desperate and dont know what to do at this point. a few of my friends have said that they have cancelled and reapplied with no issue accruing at this point in time but ive been too nervous to do anything as i dont want to make the issue worse. do you have any advice thank you in advance.
Reply 2
Original post by faye999
may i ask why i shouldnt cancel my current application , as recently ive applied to student finance but made a mistake while applying. you see i put that i live with both my parents by accident but in fact i only live with my mum therefore its messed my entire application. ived talked to student finances over the phone and they said my mum has to prove her marriage status but it could take months to do this. would it not be easier for me to cancel my application and restart im desperate and dont know what to do at this point. a few of my friends have said that they have cancelled and reapplied with no issue accruing at this point in time but ive been too nervous to do anything as i dont want to make the issue worse. do you have any advice thank you in advance.

I’m not 100 percent sure but I don’t think you can reapply straight away. There may be a grace period before reapplying.

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