The Student Room Group

Student Finance ineligible, dubious reasons , re-evaluation and appeals


This maybe a long post, please allow me to utilize this forum as a soundboard for an effort to collect my thoughts for a challenging time I am going through with Student Finance . It seems I am not the only one, there are plenty of bad experiences over on 'trust pilot' , though I digress onto the matter at hand
So some background; I am currently studying the final module ( part time) for my Bachelors IT science degree Enrolled in February . Up until this point, I have not had serious challenges with SFE, its been a simple procedure each year to apply for finance . Though this final academic year has been a huge mess
So the funding problem is divided into two parts . Part one; Despite me already completing 80 credits and already being enrolled completing and submitting an assignment for this 23/24 year, SFE have decided to stop my funding for the final year ( a 40 point module ) , which costs £1750 . The university now expect me to pay this in full in the nearest possible convenience . Their reasoning for this , is in their words in their email ' When studying part-time, the length of your course must not be longer than four times the length of the full-time equivalent course. As you’re unable to complete your course within this timescale, you’re not eligible for student finance' .
There are many reasons why I think where there are mitigating grounds for appeal here .
They have stated that the funding is not available over a 4 year period . Correct me if I am wrong, however the actual amount length of enrollment , is 12 trimesters, which is exactly equal to four years , not over four years; as they are stating. From January 2020 to October 2024 equals 12 trimester , meaning four years ( each trimester equates to four months )
Also there were two trimesters where I had authorized breaks for two trimesters ( due to Coronvirus and bereavements) , meaning technically I would be enrolled for 10 trimesters ( under four years)
Trimester and module table.png

The second part of the problem , is more insidious . Despite previously being awarded for the three years from January 2020 (academic year 2019/20) , They are now stating that they will not pay a previous year (21/22) and are retrospectively pulling the payments ( £875) , which brings my total bill to £ 2,625 . The reason is in their words
Your student finance application in academic year 2021/22 .You’re not entitled to funding from student finance as you’re studying at less than 25% intensity of the full-time equivalent course. Part-time students must be studying at least 25% of the full-time equivalent of their course each academic year to be eligible for student finance.’
For the 21/22 year , I was granted an Authorised break' due to personal reasons from study and submitted just 20 credits of work in that year, so in hindsight this was under the 25% intensity clause . This seems very strange since there are still emails and letters stating that I would be awarded for the 20/21 year .. And yet today , I get a further email to say I would now not be entitled, this is very shady to say the least

Well I will be contacting SFE on Monday , to explain that they likely have made errors .. Otherwise my university will be expecting £2,625 .... :/

It maybe likely that I will have to go through appeals and in the interim , pay off the debt with a credit card .. I am currently on universal credit , so this is a far from ideal situation

If anyone has experience with SFE appeals , or dealing with their mistakes or possibly overturning their decisions on finance , please share your experiences . I hope to hear from you
(edited 10 months ago)