Does anyone have any advice on creating the boundary between work and home… my workplace uses messenger as the primary source of communication and I’m in 6 different group chats for it. My boss has made it very clear that they do not like being messaged on their days off and I respect that and I only message them when they’re at work. But, they have messaged me multiple times when I’m not there to ask me about rotas ect. I’ve also had times where I’ve come in to work and been confronted about “ignoring” messages because my Facebook said I was active. I personally don’t think we should use messenger as I don’t think it’s fair that our active statuses are visible and I’ve brought this upand I have mentioned that WhatsApp would be more professional but I’ve just been told people don’t use WhatsApp these days. I’ve tried turning my activity status off but apparently people can still see it I’ve also tried muting the numerous gcs and only having notifications on when I’m at work but this still doesn’t work as I then get texts if I don’t reply on messenger.
It’s very draining and starting to annoy me I thought about just deleting Facebook cause I only use it for work now really anyway but then I feel like I’m missing out…