The Student Room Group

What happened, all my body-hands, legs went into pins and needles

I was asleep then suddenly, all my body literally went into pins and needles which made me wake up. Hands go tight.

I was screaming

Does anyone know this term?
Reply 1
Uhm did you lose feeling in ur body or did it hurt?
Reply 2
All my body went tight.

I'm feeling ok and normal now.

What could it mean?
Reply 3
Original post by Anonymous #1
All my body went tight.
I'm feeling ok and normal now.
What could it mean?

As in the muscles went taut? If it feels like your muscles froze, that may indicate you being dehydrated, low on electrolytes etc. but I know that that's mostly for one muscle freezing... I generally only get muscle freezes in my legs/feet.
Idk what seizures are like but that may be something to look into too maybe 😭

Please go ask a professional if you're concerned! It's better to be safe than sorry

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