The Student Room Group
what the f*** is "mooove"??
Reply 2
ask him, i mean what the hell lol what else can you do
Reply 3
hes acting childish. I can only sypathise with you :smile:
I'd say ring him and talk to him properly and ask him what's up.
Reply 5
is he 15? he sounds 15...
Reply 6
Me n ma boyfriend have recently started goin out but i dont know anything about his past relationships. Today on msn i said how many people did you go out with? He said "lol moooooooove". He usually says "moove" for a joke but this time i asked a serious question. I said ok then fine :confused: and changed ma msn status to away. Then he said bye i g2g and went.


i think what he means by "move" is that he wants you to change the topic. he probably doesn't want you to know how many girls he's been with. he's with you now, and that's what matters, no?
Reply 7
i think what he means by "move" is that he wants you to change the topic. he probably doesn't want you to know how many girls he's been with. he's with you now, and that's what matters, no?

But if it is worth trying to keep secret, then that DOES matter, no?
Reply 8
I still haven't understood what "moove" means.
Reply 9
Me n ma boyfriend have recently started goin out but i dont know anything about his past relationships. Today on msn i said how many people did you go out with? He said "lol moooooooove". He usually says "moove" for a joke but this time i asked a serious question. I said ok then fine :confused: and changed ma msn status to away. Then he said bye i g2g and went.


Tell me: would you describe this individual as being 'of the streets'?
Tell me: would you describe this individual as being 'of the streets'?
Reply 11
Tell me: would you describe this individual as being 'of the streets'?

lol, a P-r-O-f-e-S-H way of saying "is he ghetto"..
Reply 12
I've never heard the phrase 'moooove'.... and I am familar with Urban Slang :P...
Reply 13
what the f*** is "mooove"??

exactly my question...

if he means it like "move b*** get out the way" rap, then you should ignore it...

if he means it like "move h** or take it up the arse", then dump him

yo dude
lol, a P-r-O-f-e-S-H way of saying "is he ghetto"..

Reply 14
ooooo oooooo the only ghetto word I know -
Brap brap (tbh sounds like a funky sandwich :redface: )
Reply 15
Obv. means 'change the topic'.

He's childish. Ask him again.
Reply 16
He's 16. We're from East London and that's a slang way sort of saying go away or shut up but when he says it I know it's not in a nasty way cos we always say it to each other. Not when I ask a serious question though!! Btw I'm 17 and yeah it could be the fact that he's a bit immature or he hasn't been with enough girls and thinks that I'm more experienced than him or something?