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Need practical advice: don't want to do med need more asian parent approved ideas

Please don't tell me to just do what I want to because my parents opinions do matter more than I'd like them to. I won't be happy if they're not happy with my career. I want a job that I'm happy with that they would also approve, I know I would hate medicine though.
I've been told to do med/dentistry my whole life but know I don't want to do it, I've never had the option to think about anything else until. I need some other asian parent approved things to go into that I might not have thought of but would enjoy.
Please help me with realistic options, I don't need do what your heart tells you advice, that would never work with my strict parents.
Things I've heard of being asian parent approved that aren't typical:
Finance (?)

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Also I want something with work life balance which is why I'm not sure on law
Reply 2
Original post by Anonymous #1
Please don't tell me to just do what I want to because my parents opinions do matter more than I'd like them to. I won't be happy if they're not happy with my career. I want a job that I'm happy with that they would also approve, I know I would hate medicine though.
I've been told to do med/dentistry my whole life but know I don't want to do it, I've never had the option to think about anything else until. I need some other asian parent approved things to go into that I might not have thought of but would enjoy.
Please help me with realistic options, I don't need do what your heart tells you advice, that would never work with my strict parents.
Things I've heard of being asian parent approved that aren't typical:
Finance (?)

Is there anything you are interested in specifically? Like just give me a list of subjects or jobs that you may be interested in and then we can look at ones which may look objectively better to your parents? You gave a list of jobs which are all extremely different from each other.
Original post by hiow2
Is there anything you are interested in specifically? Like just give me a list of subjects or jobs that you may be interested in and then we can look at ones which may look objectively better to your parents? You gave a list of jobs which are all extremely different from each other.

I don't really have any particular interests at the moment which is the problem, I can imagine myself doing something mathsy at university but am not sure about how I'd feel working in maths after graduating. At the same time I like psychology but my parents would never let me do that, so I'm happy to keep it as a hobby
Reply 4
Original post by Anonymous #1
I don't really have any particular interests at the moment which is the problem, I can imagine myself doing something mathsy at university but am not sure about how I'd feel working in maths after graduating. At the same time I like psychology but my parents would never let me do that, so I'm happy to keep it as a hobby

Hmmm maths and psychology... What year are you in? What about engineering or neuroscience for example?
Original post by hiow2
Hmmm maths and psychology... What year are you in? What about engineering or neuroscience for example?

I'm on a gap year now actually, I did Maths, Biology and Chemistry at A-level
My parents don't seem too keen on neuroscience but it might be something I could make them come round to, engineering is an option but I'm not sure how much I'd enjoy it
If their opinion is critical, why not ask them? No good taking advice and then finding out that they hate finance or whatever.
Reply 8
Original post by Anonymous #1
My parents don't seem too keen on neuroscience but it might be something I could make them come round to, engineering is an option but I'm not sure how much I'd enjoy it

Yeah good idea from other user is actually ask them what subjects they are a fan of, give them a list or something and go through it together. Really I think you should try neuroscience! A lot related to psychology but also very sciency and probably a lot of maths also:smile:
Original post by Admit-One
If their opinion is critical, why not ask them? No good taking advice and then finding out that they hate finance or whatever.

They only really want me to do med or dentistry unfortunately. But since prestige is somewhat of an issue to them (like most asian parents) I think I'd be able to convince them if it's a path other asian parents would approve of I just don't have much exposure to other field since I've only heard about med/dent my whole life and my parents haven't discussed much else either
Original post by Anonymous
They only really want me to do med or dentistry unfortunately. But since prestige is somewhat of an issue to them (like most asian parents) I think I'd be able to convince them if it's a path other asian parents would approve of I just don't have much exposure to other field since I've only heard about med/dent my whole life and my parents haven't discussed much else either

Well, you have more of a chance of having a good work life balance later in dentistry than medicine I think. Why do you think you would hate medicine and are you sure the things you dislike about medicine apply to dentistry?
Original post by artful_lounger
Well, you have more of a chance of having a good work life balance later in dentistry than medicine I think. Why do you think you would hate medicine and are you sure the things you dislike about medicine apply to dentistry?

Really don't want to be doctor, I'm very aware it's extremely difficult to get through med school and don't think I'd be able to motivate myself to finish if I don't even want the end goal. As for dentistry, I have no interest in teeth
Original post by hiow2
Yeah good idea from other user is actually ask them what subjects they are a fan of, give them a list or something and go through it together. Really I think you should try neuroscience! A lot related to psychology but also very sciency and probably a lot of maths also:smile:

I'm not too sure about career prospects with neuroscience but will have a look, thanks for the encouragement. With asking my parents though, as I said to the other user, they don't encourage anything except med/dentistry
Original post by Anonymous #1
Really don't want to be doctor, I'm very aware it's extremely difficult to get through med school and don't think I'd be able to motivate myself to finish if I don't even want the end goal. As for dentistry, I have no interest in teeth

I don't think "getting through" medical school is the hard part from what I've heard? The impression I got is getting into medical school is the hard bit, and then afterwards actually being a junior doctor.

Medical degrees in the UK have extremely low drop-out/fail out rates - among the lowest, if not the lowest, of all degree subjects.

As for dentistry that's fair enough to say although consider also the wider factors - teeth themselves may be specifically less interesting but you might find the pathology that affect them interesting. Also you might just find the idea of doing lots of shorter procedures appealing.

In any event, plenty of Asian students do lots of different kinds of degrees ranging from STEM subjects to social sciences to humanities. So I think this is more of a mental barrier on your part than any absolute limitation on their part, since clearly other Asian parents don't have the same issue.
(edited 1 year ago)
Reply 14
Original post by Anonymous #1
I'm not too sure about career prospects with neuroscience but will have a look, thanks for the encouragement. With asking my parents though, as I said to the other user, they don't encourage anything except med/dentistry

I just want to also say, please please please don't apply to med or dentistry if you don't want to do it. I am a med applicant currently in year 13 and know many other med applicants, it's extremely difficult to apply and requires A LOT of determination and it is really not worth it if you don't want to do it.( As well as the fact that if you aren't passionate for it they will most likely notice at interview stage). Especially with the state of the NHS right now, surviving and doing medicine really relies on a passion for medicine. I would really check out neuroscience, your parents care about prestige, how about you apply to prestigious universities like oxbridge or London unis like kings college or UCL. It will be significantly easier than applying to med. Also to help convince them you could look at post-graduate earnings after these degrees, I am not sure how much you get for neuroscience honestly but if you find a prestigious university it is probably quite high! Other courses I'd recommend is; ophthalmology, pharmacy maybe? that could be seen as prestigious(?) not sure about what else. But from your a levels I think you should do something science related:smile:
Original post by Anonymous #1
Please don't tell me to just do what I want to because my parents opinions do matter more than I'd like them to. I won't be happy if they're not happy with my career. I want a job that I'm happy with that they would also approve, I know I would hate medicine though.
I've been told to do med/dentistry my whole life but know I don't want to do it, I've never had the option to think about anything else until. I need some other asian parent approved things to go into that I might not have thought of but would enjoy.
Please help me with realistic options, I don't need do what your heart tells you advice, that would never work with my strict parents.
Things I've heard of being asian parent approved that aren't typical:
Finance (?)

I feel like physics would be useful as you can be employed from a various set of industries like engineerijg, maufacturing, nanotechnology,aerospace, astronomer etc. As you said, you enjoy maths. Remember that just because you have a degree in something doesn't mean you will end up in a career related to that industry. Someone I know took modern language studies in uni but now is working as a manager of a team to do with finance.
Original post by Anonymous #2
I feel like physics would be useful as you can be employed from a various set of industries like engineerijg, maufacturing, nanotechnology,aerospace, astronomer etc. As you said, you enjoy maths. Remember that just because you have a degree in something doesn't mean you will end up in a career related to that industry. Someone I know took modern language studies in uni but now is working as a manager of a team to do with finance.

I haven't taken physics at a-level so I don't think I'd be able to do it as a degree, most of the universities I've looked at for physics require an a-level in it
Original post by SilverPebble
Would accountancy be respectable?
You could present the idea to your parents alongside showing them articles like these about the reality of junior doctor pay and working conditions - and also

Accountancy might be an option, I'll look into it
Original post by hiow2
I just want to also say, please please please don't apply to med or dentistry if you don't want to do it. I am a med applicant currently in year 13 and know many other med applicants, it's extremely difficult to apply and requires A LOT of determination and it is really not worth it if you don't want to do it.( As well as the fact that if you aren't passionate for it they will most likely notice at interview stage). Especially with the state of the NHS right now, surviving and doing medicine really relies on a passion for medicine. I would really check out neuroscience, your parents care about prestige, how about you apply to prestigious universities like oxbridge or London unis like kings college or UCL. It will be significantly easier than applying to med. Also to help convince them you could look at post-graduate earnings after these degrees, I am not sure how much you get for neuroscience honestly but if you find a prestigious university it is probably quite high! Other courses I'd recommend is; ophthalmology, pharmacy maybe? that could be seen as prestigious(?) not sure about what else. But from your a levels I think you should do something science related:smile:

That is good advice, I am aware that it's very taxing to get into and the course is taxing as well.
I have been looking into ophtalmology and pharmacy but not too sure about what you'd do after except working in an opticians/ pharmacist.
Neuroscience is definitely an option
Reply 19
Original post by Anonymous #1
That is good advice, I am aware that it's very taxing to get into and the course is taxing as well.
I have been looking into ophtalmology and pharmacy but not too sure about what you'd do after except working in an opticians/ pharmacist.
Neuroscience is definitely an option

from what I understand you’re looking for a course that gives you a wide variety of jobs available? Are you more worried about the prestige of the course and then you feel like you can do anything after that?

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