The Student Room Group

Diagnostic Radiography books

Hi can anyone reccomend some good books for bcu diagnostic radiography please?
Original post by Teriblew
Hi can anyone reccomend some good books for bcu diagnostic radiography please?

Have a look to see if there is an 'Ask a student' function on the BCU website and ask a current DR student what they would recommend.
Original post by Teriblew
Hi can anyone reccomend some good books for bcu diagnostic radiography please?

I’ve just completed my DR degree in Edinburgh. The best books I found were Carver & Carver Medical imaging or Clark’s positioning (you don’t need both). Ross & Wilson Anatomy & Physiology (any edition). Bones & Joints by Chris Gunn. Radiographic imaging and exposure (Fauber) - very expensive so I suggest getting it from the library.
Best of luck!!
Reply 3
Original post by Hollissmason
I’ve just completed my DR degree in Edinburgh. The best books I found were Carver & Carver Medical imaging or Clark’s positioning (you don’t need both). Ross & Wilson Anatomy & Physiology (any edition). Bones & Joints by Chris Gunn. Radiographic imaging and exposure (Fauber) - very expensive so I suggest getting it from the library.
Best of luck!!

Amazing, thank you! 😊
Reply 4
Original post by Hollissmason
I’ve just completed my DR degree in Edinburgh. The best books I found were Carver & Carver Medical imaging or Clark’s positioning (you don’t need both). Ross & Wilson Anatomy & Physiology (any edition). Bones & Joints by Chris Gunn. Radiographic imaging and exposure (Fauber) - very expensive so I suggest getting it from the library.
Best of luck!!

Hii, what about for the physics? Do you know any books or websites that would be good for this? x

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