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Would you go out with someone who has the brains, personality but not the looks?

Or like if someone had brains, looks but not personality?

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Brains and personality over looks, but that's how I prefer the partner.
Original post by Anonymous #1
Or like if someone had brains, looks but not personality?

Brains and Looks = yes, if someone is drop dead ugly i'm not going to be willing to give up alot of my time for someone who i don't find attractive at the beginning. I'm not saying i would date for looks and not personality, but you have to draw a line somewhere. I'm not going to lie and say brains and personality because i would just be lying so i'm sorry if this seems heartless.
It depends on the persons behavior, are they the shy/dry type with no personality or like the arrogant/inconsiderate no personality type? Because if so, the answer can chance. I don't want to have a pain in my butt for a partner.
Also depends what kind of smart they are because they may be willing to change or have the potential to develop a better personality.

Hopefully the time never comes where i actually have to pick between these 2 choices otherwise i might just choose to be single for the rest of my life. I could rant abt this for ages
If they were compatible with my dealbreakers and lifestyle preferences.
I’ve tried this and couldn’t do it.

There’s a world pretty people take you where life problems cease to exist for a moment which can’t be replaced, that and I need to be able to look at someone and want to rip their clothes off passionately.
Original post by Anonymous #1
Or like if someone had brains, looks but not personality?

Why is it judged by how someone looks a person beauty can be represented through their heart to which makes them them and their personality. As a book isn’t judged by the cover unless read
As long as they respect me and have a great personality I’m not fussed
Original post by Anonymous #1
Or like if someone had brains, looks but not personality?

No, looks are what makes that sparkle. Love at first sight
Original post by Anonymous #1
Or like if someone had brains, looks but not personality?

anyone who says the first is lying
Reply 9
money first, then looks. brains don't really matter. tbh less brains = better because you get to be the one in control. if you're more intelligent than your partner, manipulating them is much easier
Brain and Personality are my priorities for a relationship in the long run, but if the look matches with these features in a certain degree I don't mind.
Original post by Ciel.
money first, then looks. brains don't really matter. tbh less brains = better because you get to be the one in control. if you're more intelligent than your partner, manipulating them is much easier

you shouldn't be in a relationship if ur willing to manipulate ur partner x
if you want to train someone, i suggest you get a dog x
Reply 12
Original post by Anonymous #2
you shouldn't be in a relationship if ur willing to manipulate ur partner x
if you want to train someone, i suggest you get a dog x

im jealous of how naive you sound
sometimes you have to manipulate people if you actually want to have somewhat of a decent life
Original post by Ciel.
im jealous of how naive you sound
sometimes you have to manipulate people if you actually want to have somewhat of a decent life

no it not naive. Its called being a decent person.
If you want a decent life and your partner needs to change, then you either talk to them and fix it or you break up.
Original post by Ciel.
im jealous of how naive you sound
sometimes you have to manipulate people if you actually want to have somewhat of a decent life

You're the person who made a post worrying about 'fat generals' manipulating the populace in to going to war.

So it should just be random arts students who manipulate, should it?
Original post by anonymous #1
or like if someone had brains, looks but not personality?

i find guys who are smart attractive af
but look do too
both = my guy
Reply 16
Original post by Anonymous #2
no it not naive. Its called being a decent person.
If you want a decent life and your partner needs to change, then you either talk to them and fix it or you break up.

never claimed to be a decent person.
i should've said a comfortable life
Original post by Ciel.
never claimed to be a decent person.
i should've said a comfortable life

okay, if you want a comfortable life go for it. Why are you trying to manipulate someone in the process? Are you lazy? If you actually think like this, don't get into a relationship.
Original post by Ciel.
there's a difference... sure, sometimes i will manipulate him a bit to get him to spoil me more, or to get him to do something i want. or to redirect his anger from me onto someone or something else. but i dont send people to their deaths ffs. im not harming anyone...

"i'm not harming anyone" bfr
Mental manipulation can lead to some problems with intimacy, trust, respect, and security, just to name a few. If you're needing to manipulate your partner into fulfilling whatever you desire, you should break up and find someone else. idk why you think this is okay. No point in having a worthwhile relationship if you're too lazy to communicate
Reply 19
Original post by Anonymous #2
okay, if you want a comfortable life go for it. Why are you trying to manipulate someone in the process? Are you lazy? If you actually think like this, don't get into a relationship.

because i can have a comfortable life thanks to him
anyway, i think you're really young so maybe you just don't get it. your parents probably constantly manipulate each other and you dont even realise it. thats just life.

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