The Student Room Group
Break up and get a BF that isn’t a whiny baby.
Original post by Anonymous
So my bf is annoyed because I said no to doing something x rated with him because I'm not comfortable with that, he keeps going on about it, he also complains that I am too quiet during sex, any advice on what to do?

Maybe he really is not what you are looking for as a partner.Well done for not doing things you are not comfortable with.The fact that he is annoyed and criticising you in bed should be taken as a big red flag.A partner should make you feel confident and great about yourself and that is not what is happening here .Dump him let him go back to watching porn
Reply 3
Tell him you’re definitely never consenting to the things he wants to do and to shut up about it. As to the other matter, it isn’t very nice to criticise your partner in this way. I would either explain that’s how you are and that you are enjoying things, presuming this is the case. Alternatively you could dump him and start afresh, which seems like a reasonable bet based on what you describe
Original post by Scotney
Maybe he really is not what you are looking for as a partner.Well done for not doing things you are not comfortable with.The fact that he is annoyed and criticising you in bed should be taken as a big red flag.A partner should make you feel confident and great about yourself and that is not what is happening here .Dump him let him go back to watching porn

Yeah I think I should because he said that's how they do it in porn was one of his responses especially with the moaning part
Loooool so your bf thinks porn is real life with all the moaning and other x rated stuff?? Who's going to tell him that most of those moans are fake and most of the porn actresses aren't even orgasming from penetration :lol:
Original post by Sorcerer of Old
Loooool so your bf thinks porn is real life with all the moaning and other x rated stuff?? Who's going to tell him that most of those moans are fake and most of the porn actresses aren't even orgasming from penetration :lol:

Yea as above, your bf thinks porn is real. Either firmly dissuade him of this immaturity or get rid.
Original post by Sorcerer of Old
Loooool so your bf thinks porn is real life with all the moaning and other x rated stuff?? Who's going to tell him that most of those moans are fake and most of the porn actresses aren't even orgasming from penetration :lol:

Pretty much and expects me to be like that he even said after sex didn't last long I thought this would last longer like in porn films I find the sex disappointing most of the time
Original post by Anonymous
Pretty much and expects me to be like that he even said after sex didn't last long I thought this would last longer like in porn films I find the sex disappointing most of the time

I don't think sex in porn lasts particularly long, many of the sex sessions are 15-20 mins. How long is sex lasting typically between the two of you and who is it that's finishing first?
Original post by Anonymous
I thought this would last longer like in porn films

Yeah that's because it's someone editing a short film for an audience rather than genuine sex. A lot of these will be made in several takes with the performers having a break/cuppa between scenes, to say nothing of the fact a lot of them will be a bit desensitized or just capable of pacing themselves for the sake of work.
Original post by Sorcerer of Old
I don't think sex in porn lasts particularly long, many of the sex sessions are 15-20 mins. How long is sex lasting typically between the two of you and who is it that's finishing first?

He finishes first and it is usually over after 2 minutes sometimes less he expects 2 hours or more
Original post by Anonymous
He finishes first and it is usually over after 2 minutes sometimes less he expects 2 hours or more

So let me get this straight, it's him who finishes first and yet he expects it to last 2 hours or more??? That would be funny if it weren't so sad. First of all, it's completely unrealistic for sex to last 2 hours or more, that doesn't happen in porn (so I don't know where he's getting that from) and sex would get boring if it were going on for that length of time, not to mention that most people would like to be doing other things in that time such as cooking, laundry, watching TV and so on. Finally, it's absolutely ridiculous for him to be expecting that when it's also him who's spunking so quick, he'd maybe have somewhat of a point in complaining sex doesn't last long enough if it were you who was cúmming so fast, but it's him so...

The issue here, it seems to me, is that he has no self control. Most of us guys could cúm within a few minutes of sex if asked to but part of being in a relationship is understanding that doing that is massively disappointing to the woman as well as very selfish and inconsiderate, because it's also true that a lot of guys make little to no effort after they've spunked to pleasure the woman and also make sure she comes to orgasm. Sex is pretty much over as far as many of them are concerned which I imagine leaves many unsatisfied and blue balled women all over the country. I suspect this improves with age as guys become more mature and realise they can't just pump their partner for 2 mins and then leave all the time, but you guys sound relatively young, possibly teens or 20s and in this age bracket a lot of people are selfish and inconsiderate where sex is concerned. The first thing you need to do, if not already, is sit him down and have a serious chat with him about how the expectations he has are just not realistic especially given how quick he blows, although if possible try and phrase this last bit a little more delicately as I imagine many guys won't take too kindly to being told they spunk within minutes of sex. However, you can't just not address this with him because presumably you want sex to last longer and be much more satisfying than that and so he has to be made aware of this and he also has to commit to exercising far greater self control and not just choosing to spunk whenever he feels close. You both have to work together to make sure he recognises when he's getting close and for him then to pull back and control himself until the pre-climax subsides. This will make for a much more enjoyable and long lasting foreplay which could then lead to penetration and cause a sex session to last 30-40 mins, maybe more. Ultimately he has to do serious work on himself to last longer and he should also want to do it for you as a considerate partner who also wants to make sure you're getting sexual satisfaction. If he's not willing to do any of this then get rid of him and find someone who is because you deserve so much better than sex which is over in the time it takes someone to brush their teeth.
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by Anonymous
Yeah I think I should because he said that's how they do it in porn was one of his responses especially with the moaning part

The fact that this guy who is let's face it suffering premature ejaculation is criticising you in what sounds like your first relationship does not bode well.He does not sound very nice and you deserve better.I would have grave doubts about continuing with this jerk.
Another boy who thinks sex should be like in porn films, just get rid of the prick
Original post by Sorcerer of Old
So let me get this straight, it's him who finishes first and yet he expects it to last 2 hours or more??? That would be funny if it weren't so sad. First of all, it's completely unrealistic for sex to last 2 hours or more, that doesn't happen in porn (so I don't know where he's getting that from) and sex would get boring if it were going on for that length of time, not to mention that most people would like to be doing things in that time such as cooking, laundry, watching TV and so on. Finally, it's absolutely ridiculous for him to be expecting that when it's also him who's spunking so quick, he'd maybe have somewhat of a point in complaining sex doesn't last long enough if it were you who was cúmming so fast, but it's him so...

The issue here, it seems to me, is that he has no self control. Most of us guys could cúm within a few minutes of sex if asked to but part of being in a relationship is understanding that doing that is massively disappointing to the woman as well as very selfish and inconsiderate, because it's also true that a lot of guys make little to no effort after they've spunked to pleasure the woman and also make sure she comes to orgasm. Sex is pretty much over as far as many of them are concerned which I imagine leaves many unsatisfied and blue balled women all over the country. I suspect this improves with age as guys become more mature and realise they can't just pump their partner for 2 mins and then leave all the time, but you guys sound relatively young, possibly teens or 20s and in this age bracket a lot of people are selfish and inconsiderate where sex is concerned. The first thing you need to do, if not already, is sit him down and have a serious chat with him about how the expectations he has are just not realistic especially given how quick he blows, although if possible try and phrase this last bit a little more delicately as I imagine many guys won't take too kindly to being told they spunk within minutes of sex. However, you can't just not address this with him because presumably you want sex to last longer and be much more satisfying than that and so he has to be made aware of this and he also has to commit to exercising far greater self control and not just choosing to spunk whenever he feels close. You both have to work together to make sure he recognises when he's getting close and for him then to pull back and control himself until the pre-climax subsides. This will make for a much more enjoyable and long lasting foreplay which could then lead to penetration and cause a sex session to last 30-40 mins, maybe more. Ultimately he has to do serious work on himself to last longer and he should also want to do it for you as a considerate partner who also wants to make sure you're getting sexual satisfaction. If he's not willing to do any of this then get rid of him and find someone who is because you deserve so much better than sex which is over in the time it takes someone to brush their teeth.

Wow, just read it and liked it. Thank you for your thoughtful and on point comment. But such kind of guys are rare.
Reply 15
Original post by Anonymous #1
So my bf is annoyed because I said no to doing something x rated with him because I'm not comfortable with that, he keeps going on about it, he also complains that I am too quiet during sex, any advice on what to do?

Make sure he’s clear about the definitions of consent and coercive control.
Reply 16
This is only a significant issue if you don't communicate.

You should sex with him and outline what you are both doing right and wrong without flying off the wall while also setting the terms of the relationship.

If neither of you are sexually satisfied then you may just not be compatible but it sounds more like you've never just properly discussed what you both like and expect.
I hope you have dumped him? He souns like a prick