The Student Room Group

Why is religion against sex?

Sex is great, I don't see why religion makes it morally wrong if it's not cheating. And it's unfair because god created all those thirsty guys who dream of sex in the first place, full of sexual hormones after puberty and the same god says they can't have sex
Religion is against extra-marital sex, not sex as a concept
God created men with desires, but the point is for you to have self-control, and not do earthly things when you shouldn’t be. Sex is a soul tie, one should not have multiple soul ties, hence one should not have many sexual partners.
Reply 3
It appears to me to be about control. If you can aspire to dictate what people to do in this personal area you’ve truly got the grip of your disciples. It absolutely incredible what religion can get away with but of course the crazy double standards, lies and hypocrisy that this leads to is phenomenal
(edited 6 months ago)
Original post by Anonymous
Religion is against extra-marital sex, not sex as a concept

This. I think that religion believes that you should have sex for necessary reasons i.e to procreate/for reproduction purposes, but someone correct me if I'm wrong here.
Despite me no longer being religious, I can agree with the religions on this one (I don't agree with the idea that you shouldn't have sex before marriage though) but people are free to do what they want. What you do behind closed doors is none of my business.
Original post by Anonymous
Religion is against extra-marital sex, not sex as a concept

So students can't have sex as students can't be married obviously
Original post by Zarek
It appears to me to be about control. If you can aspire to dictate what people to do in this personal area you’ve truly got the grip of your disciples. It absolutely incredible what religion can get away with but of course the crazy double standards, lives and hypocrisy that this leads to is phenomenal

This as a well in my opinion
Original post by Anonymous
So students can't have sex as students can't be married obviously

There is no reason why students can't be married - I know a few religious couples who got married at uni.
Original post by Anonymous
Sex is great, I don't see why religion makes it morally wrong if it's not cheating. And it's unfair because god created all those thirsty guys who dream of sex in the first place, full of sexual hormones after puberty and the same god says they can't have sex

Which religion?
Original post by Anonymous
There is no reason why students can't be married - I know a few religious couples who got married at uni.

Students usually can't be married, they're not working and struggling even to pay students expenses so how can they get married? Most students aren't married so they can't have sex according to religion
Original post by artful_lounger
Which religion?

Most of them, Christian and Islam don't let you have sex unless with strict conditions such as being already married, can't divorce either so you can't ever have sex with someone else other than that one. If you're gay you can't have sex ever
Original post by Anonymous
Most of them, Christian and Islam don't let you have sex unless with strict conditions such as being already married, can't divorce either so you can't ever have sex with someone else other than that one. If you're gay you can't have sex ever

I mean, there are actually a huge number of religions outside of Christianity and Islam (also Christianity has very varied views on sex depending on the exact variety of Christianity it is), and some of them have much less to say on sex - and a number in fact have sex directly being part of it.

Don't say "religion" when you mean "Christianity and Islam" because they represent a fairly narrow range of religious beliefs - while they are widespread that does not mean they are representative of religion in general and it would be misguided to assume they do.
Original post by Anonymous
Sex is great, I don't see why religion makes it morally wrong if it's not cheating. And it's unfair because god created all those thirsty guys who dream of sex in the first place, full of sexual hormones after puberty and the same god says they can't have sex

Sex is a big deal. It makes babies. It makes people feel things. It can be a disease vector. So societies invent ways to regulate sexual behavior. I think religion generally is about enforcing societal norms
Original post by Th3boyg
Sex is a big deal. It makes babies. It makes people feel things. It can be a disease vector. So societies invent ways to regulate sexual behavior. I think religion generally is about enforcing societal norms

You could maybe calm down on the graverobbing now? these are all v old threads where the people either got their answer or aren't here, are you that desperate for post count?
Original post by StriderHort
You could maybe calm down on the graverobbing now? these are all v old threads where the people either got their answer or aren't here, are you that desperate for post count?

Sorry I offended you. My intention was to post for others who might come along and read. Human problems and human questions don't always go out of date quickly. If they did we wouldn't still be reading and performing Shakespeare.

So, why are you bothered?
Original post by Th3boyg
Sorry I offended you. My intention was to post for others who might come along and read. Human problems and human questions don't always go out of date quickly. If they did we wouldn't still be reading and performing Shakespeare.
So, why are you bothered?

I'm not offended, just mildly annoyed by the persistent mess, it's generally accepted that you don't drag up old threads for the sake of it, esp not piles of them. I wouldn't be surprised if you got a more official reprimand for this but I'm just letting you know.
Original post by StriderHort
I'm not offended, just mildly annoyed by the persistent mess, it's generally accepted that you don't drag up old threads for the sake of it, esp not piles of them. I wouldn't be surprised if you got a more official reprimand for this but I'm just letting you know.

I'm waiting for the official reprimand. In the meantime, what is the persistent mess you are referring to? If we're not supposed to comment on old posts, why are comments turned on? Why keep old posts at all? Why not just purge posts that are older than x number of days? And genuinely, why are you bothered? Because you get a notification if I comment on something that you previously commented on? Or because you think this is a competitive sport and I'm cheating? Or what? I genuinely want to understand what the problem is.
Original post by Th3boyg
I'm waiting for the official reprimand. In the meantime, what is the persistent mess you are referring to? If we're not supposed to comment on old posts, why are comments turned on? Why keep old posts at all? Why not just purge posts that are older than x number of days? And genuinely, why are you bothered? Because you get a notification if I comment on something that you previously commented on? Or because you think this is a competitive sport and I'm cheating? Or what? I genuinely want to understand what the problem is.

It's just generally seen as bad nettiquette to drag up discussions that have ended, hence the term graverobbing. I don't know why TSR permits threads to stay open but I can tell you they will likely close many of them once you drag them up. As said I'm just mildly annoyed about the mess but otherwise don't care.
Original post by username7165172
I'm waiting for the official reprimand. In the meantime, what is the persistent mess you are referring to? If we're not supposed to comment on old posts, why are comments turned on? Why keep old posts at all? Why not just purge posts that are older than x number of days? And genuinely, why are you bothered? Because you get a notification if I comment on something that you previously commented on? Or because you think this is a competitive sport and I'm cheating? Or what? I genuinely want to understand what the problem is.

He doesn't like your answers so he wants you to shut up. There are older threads than this one and he doesn't protest
Religion has always had a problem with the sacred brown hole.

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