At the beginning of June I had an operation and had two and a half weeks off exercising, then about two weeks after I started exercising again I started experiencing a tight chest and wheezing whilst breathing in when running. I left this a few more weeks before going to the doctors, I had a blood test and a spirometry test done. The blood test came back fine and so did the spirometry so the doctor doesn't suspect I have asthma.
However the issues have continued for another 4 weeks or so, so I went back to the doctor who listened to my chest and said it was clear, they have prescribed me an inhaler to use before I exercise as they seem to think exercise is the trigger. However, they are also sending me for a chest x-ray which has worried me. I am worried that the doctor thinks the cause is more sinister than asthma but doesn't want to tell me that just yet.
Am I worrying unnecessarily?