The Student Room Group

Will I be entitled to sick pay if I take the remaining two days off?

I work for a council and im unsure if I'll get sick pay.

I know a few full time guys who had six months off had full pay. Depending on the contract as companies take over.

I am a full time rolling contract employee

I could not make it today due to whopping cough in the night, breathlessness, almost collapsing, I can hardly walk far

My sister told me it's best if I take the remaining two days off to get better
I'm honestly not sure of the council you work for's sick pay policies for obvious reasons, that would best be queried with your manager or HR, but I do know you're only entitled to SSP from the third day of illness onward, but if I were as sick as you describe I'd risk taking the pay hit and make it up later, tbh. If they don't pay sick pay until day 3 you could also ask about the possiblity of these two days being put through as holidays so you still get paid.
(edited 1 year ago)

To get this right

1) I'm entitled to SSP if I have a fourth day off, so this is after day three
2) I'm entitled to SSP from day three?

I'm not in a good state at all, a few times I felt like just fainting with my illness
Original post by Anonymous

To get this right

1) I'm entitled to SSP if I have a fourth day off, so this is after day three
2) I'm entitled to SSP from day three?

I'm not in a good state at all, a few times I felt like just fainting with my illness

Just take the time you need off. Then clarify sick pay entitlements with HR when you get back. Note that plenty of employers do have paid sick leave up to a certain number of days a year anyway, which may be partial or full pay in excess of statutory sick pay anyway.

Ultimately going into work while very ill is a) going to cause you to do a worse job in what you're doing on those days anyway and b) quite likely infect several other people, causing more sickness in the department, which will almost certainly be much more of a problem for your manager than you being off for a couple days.

However bear in mind that after a certain number of days (I think usually a week) you may need a doctor's note, although just for a day or two you usually won't. So if it doesn't get better in a couple days call your GP up.
I was at hospital yesterday, where they took my blood pressure, blood tests, x ray, checked around my body. Was there for 5 hours.

Since I was coughing at night and breathlessness.

They found a chest infection for my conditions and gave me the option to stay in hospital for a few days with the antibiotics.

I opted otherwise.

I have been discharged and taking antibiotics at home.

Will I be entitled to anything for not working three days in a row?
Since I get paid one week early on the 21st as some companies pay early, would it be too late to adjust and they'll take it off next month's pay?
This will depend on what the contractural sick pay arrangment is and any other sick pay arrangment

I've worked in organisations where company sick pay is paid from day 1 of illness
I've worked in organisations where company sick pay kicks in after day 3 along with SSP
I've worked for organisations where company sick pay only kicks in after a certain amount of service and before that you only get SSP
I've worked for organisations that only paid SSP

all of the above are totally legal and legit
(edited 1 year ago)

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