The Student Room Group

Haven't had my first kiss at 18

I'm a guy in my last year of highschool and I have never kissed a girl. I haven't hugged, hell, I haven't even held hands with a girl. I have very bad anxiety when it comes to talking to girls, and am not attractive enough to have ever received any attention from girls in any way. No girl has ever spoken to me about anything, ever. I understand having to be the first to make a move romantically, but am I so unattractive that I have to always be the first to reach out in every way? To hell with kissing, relationships and sex, a simple "hello" would be nice
(edited 1 year ago)
firstly, hello. secondly, i think it would help to have some female friends/acquaintances. the halo effect is real though so it may have to be down to you to be as friendly and approachable as you can (not fair but true). trust me, there's no real 'tricks' to us, just listen when we complain about things and treat us like you would your friends. honestly at our age there's this insidious pressure to find literally the love of your life, and if you're not getting approached you feel like you've failed somehow. imo there's a lot more to be occupying your time with that's going to make you happier in the long run, so all this might be a blessing in disguise in the short term.. genuinely good luck for the future though :smile:
Reply 2
Original post by penee_925
firstly, hello. secondly, i think it would help to have some female friends/acquaintances. the halo effect is real though so it may have to be down to you to be as friendly and approachable as you can (not fair but true). trust me, there's no real 'tricks' to us, just listen when we complain about things and treat us like you would your friends. honestly at our age there's this insidious pressure to find literally the love of your life, and if you're not getting approached you feel like you've failed somehow. imo there's a lot more to be occupying your time with that's going to make you happier in the long run, so all this might be a blessing in disguise in the short term.. genuinely good luck for the future though :smile:

I have never even had a full conversation with a girl. My friends have girlfriends. My best friend has had at least three girls interested in him since last year. My friends that don't have girlfriends have had some sign in their lives that girls find them attractive. Maybe not "hot", but attractive enough to talk to them. I'm 18 and have the sexual, romantic development of a 13 year old. I'm not looking for the love of my life. I'm looking for a sign not to end it all. A sign I'm more than flesh and blood. I barely feel like a person anymore.
Original post by CalmPen
I have never even had a full conversation with a girl. My friends have girlfriends. My best friend has had at least three girls interested in him since last year. My friends that don't have girlfriends have had some sign in their lives that girls find them attractive. Maybe not "hot", but attractive enough to talk to them. I'm 18 and have the sexual, romantic development of a 13 year old. I'm not looking for the love of my life. I'm looking for a sign not to end it all. A sign I'm more than flesh and blood. I barely feel like a person anymore.

I don't think you should fully put these feelings down to not having a gf, you definitely should reach out to someone in your life for help because you shouldn't have to feel that way. as for never having had a conversation with a girl? I genuinely don't understand how that can be the case if you go to school, why not just try and chat to a girl sat next to you? that's not me trying to put blame on you I'm just trying to understand what's stopping you. it's more intimidating for girls so we rely on guys to start the ball rolling mostly
Reply 4
Original post by penee_925
I don't think you should fully put these feelings down to not having a gf, you definitely should reach out to someone in your life for help because you shouldn't have to feel that way. as for never having had a conversation with a girl? I genuinely don't understand how that can be the case if you go to school, why not just try and chat to a girl sat next to you? that's not me trying to put blame on you I'm just trying to understand what's stopping you. it's more intimidating for girls so we rely on guys to start the ball rolling mostly

Of course I've had a conversation with a girl. But it's never been something that I've started. And as for talking to someone, I hate my father, I don't share these things with my mother, and I live in a town of 40 thousand. No good therapists around here.

I genuenly feel like I don't have the mental tools I need. I've never had a real social life. I've never asked a girl out. I've never had female friends. My existing friend group is abrely a thing at all. My only hope is that one day I'll move for uni, and things will magically get better. I know it's not happening though, so I'm just trying to get used to the idea of living my life as a kissless virgin until the day I drop dead
Original post by CalmPen
I have never even had a full conversation with a girl. My friends have girlfriends. My best friend has had at least three girls interested in him since last year. My friends that don't have girlfriends have had some sign in their lives that girls find them attractive. Maybe not "hot", but attractive enough to talk to them. I'm 18 and have the sexual, romantic development of a 13 year old. I'm not looking for the love of my life. I'm looking for a sign not to end it all. A sign I'm more than flesh and blood. I barely feel like a person anymore.

If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got.
Are you happy with where you are? No? Then you have to risk yourself. You have to face your anxiety. We all have our dragons to slay and yours is that one.

It won't be easy and it won't be fun, but it will make your life better.
Or you can let it win and have the life you've always had.
Original post by CalmPen
Of course I've had a conversation with a girl. But it's never been something that I've started. And as for talking to someone, I hate my father, I don't share these things with my mother, and I live in a town of 40 thousand. No good therapists around here.

I genuenly feel like I don't have the mental tools I need. I've never had a real social life. I've never asked a girl out. I've never had female friends. My existing friend group is abrely a thing at all. My only hope is that one day I'll move for uni, and things will magically get better. I know it's not happening though, so I'm just trying to get used to the idea of living my life as a kissless virgin until the day I drop dead

hey you can't just give up hope for any future joy in your life!! l get
sometimes we have a rough or even non-existent childhood but you have to have hope that things won't always be this way. it sounds like you live in a smaller area, so it's totally plausible that you just haven't met your people yet. it sucks so so much to not feel like there's anyone who can hear you, but your future friends will be so worth it to power through this time onto being an adult. that doesnt mean this last year of school (you're in yr13?) has to be lonely. why don't you try making some online friends with similar aspirations/interests? it's not as good as irl but one friend on the other side of the world is infinitely better than no proper friends at all.

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