I absolutely sympathise with you and your uni situation. I've had IBS for years now, and it really makes a lot of everyday things uncomfortable.
I've had to treat myself and although trial-and-error isn't the best, I will say it makes a difference. Google the list of triggers and just alternate which ones you cut out to see what works. I did that and now, I'm on a gluten-free, non-dairy milk diet. I also don't try new meals unless I'm close to home incase I react badly and need to rush back. Since you're mostly home right now, it's a great time to try different diets and stick to the one that fits you best.
Please, keep trying your best to eat proper meals. Skipping is part of what got me hospitalised. I got so tired of the reactions that I just stopped eating meals. It's very unhealthy and not a proper way of managing this condition.