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Cv help — retook alevels


I’m interested in applying for spring weeks soon and I didn’t do well in my alevels during 2022 so I retook and received better grades this year. Would recruiters look down on the fact that I have retaken my alevels? Also I was advised by a 2nd year to say that I did my alevels from 2021-2023 but wouldn’t this be a bad idea if they were to ask what I did during 2020-2021 😭??
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by unheaven1

I’m interested in applying for spring weeks soon and I didn’t do well in my alevels during 2022 so I retook and received better grades this year. Would recruiters look down on the fact that I have retaken my alevels? Also I was advised by a 2nd year to say that I did my alevels from 2021-2023 but wouldn’t this be a bad idea if they were to ask what I did during 2020-2021 😭??

Use the three year date range but only give your final year grades. If they want to know more, they can ask at interview. It doesn't matter what recruiters think, the facts remain the same. It's up to you to have a short, clear, honest answer if anyone ever asks.
Reply 2
Original post by threeportdrift
Use the three year date range but only give your final year grades. If they want to know more, they can ask at interview. It doesn't matter what recruiters think, the facts remain the same. It's up to you to have a short, clear, honest answer if anyone ever asks.

Thank you for your reply!! I forgot to mention that I’ve done my retake somewhere else because my sixth form doesn’t allow retakes. So I don’t think the 3 year date range would work as the location isn’t the same?
Original post by unheaven1
Thank you for your reply!! I forgot to mention that I’ve done my retake somewhere else because my sixth form doesn’t allow retakes. So I don’t think the 3 year date range would work as the location isn’t the same?

20xx-yy College of Wherever, A level Subject (X), Subject (X), Subject (X)
20aa-bb Whatever School, Town
A level Subject, Subject and Subject
XX GCSEs grades 9-5, including English and Maths
Reply 4
Original post by threeportdrift
20xx-yy College of Wherever, A level Subject (X), Subject (X), Subject (X)
20aa-bb Whatever School, Town
A level Subject, Subject and Subject
XX GCSEs grades 9-5, including English and Maths

ahh, okay. thank you so much!
Original post by unheaven1

I’m interested in applying for spring weeks soon and I didn’t do well in my alevels during 2022 so I retook and received better grades this year. Would recruiters look down on the fact that I have retaken my alevels? Also I was advised by a 2nd year to say that I did my alevels from 2021-2023 but wouldn’t this be a bad idea if they were to ask what I did during 2020-2021 😭??

Hi there,

Congratulations on improving your grades! Agree with the other comments. It's best to just be honest with the years on your CV and, if asked in an interview, prepare an honest response. I think that it's really good that you put the effort into redoing them to improve.

All the best,

Jaz - Cardiff student rep
Reply 6
Original post by CardiffUni Rep
Hi there,

Congratulations on improving your grades! Agree with the other comments. It's best to just be honest with the years on your CV and, if asked in an interview, prepare an honest response. I think that it's really good that you put the effort into redoing them to improve.

All the best,

Jaz - Cardiff student rep

Thank you!! Also I appreciate the advice, I've put in my recent grades and I'll just focus on explaining it in a way that makes it look better.
Original post by unheaven1
Thank you!! Also I appreciate the advice, I've put in my recent grades and I'll just focus on explaining it in a way that makes it look better.

I hope it helps! Good luck in finding the right role for you!

All the best,
Jaz - Cardiff student rep

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