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Not sure about chemical engineering

Hi, I don’t know if I wanna do chemical engineering but I have to soon apply. Ive just read that it’s mundane and boring and has no job aspects. I just wanna help the environment. Also it’s all physics? I have not taken physics Alevel because I hate it sm, so should I even take up chemical engineering?
Original post by lolatung
Hi, I don’t know if I wanna do chemical engineering but I have to soon apply. Ive just read that it’s mundane and boring and has no job aspects. I just wanna help the environment. Also it’s all physics? I have not taken physics Alevel because I hate it sm, so should I even take up chemical engineering?

3rd year chemical engineering student here and I’d be happy to help. Firstly I would like to debunk the no job aspects, from my time at Lancaster and with the help of careers team I have found there to be many job prospects for chemical engineering. The good thing about studying chemical engineering is that it span over many industries. In terms of not taking physics Alevel, I didn’t either but didn’t find it to be an issue as the lectures really did start from the basics for the physics concepts and were always happy to help when I was unsure. A good thing is that first year for us was general engineering so really helped me decide if chemical engineering was for me or if there was a different engineering discipline I was more suited for. If you’re really passionate about the environment have you considered looking into environmental engineering?

I hope this helps and I be happy to help with any more questions. Good luck!

Shreya, Lancaster Ambassador
Reply 2
Hey, thank you for replying! Could u please expand on the interview process (if u had one) and what type of questions they ask. And someone I know got offers from unis without interviews, is that possible with Lancaster?

Original post by Lancaster Student Ambassador
3rd year chemical engineering student here and I’d be happy to help. Firstly I would like to debunk the no job aspects, from my time at Lancaster and with the help of careers team I have found there to be many job prospects for chemical engineering. The good thing about studying chemical engineering is that it span over many industries. In terms of not taking physics Alevel, I didn’t either but didn’t find it to be an issue as the lectures really did start from the basics for the physics concepts and were always happy to help when I was unsure. A good thing is that first year for us was general engineering so really helped me decide if chemical engineering was for me or if there was a different engineering discipline I was more suited for. If you’re really passionate about the environment have you considered looking into environmental engineering?

I hope this helps and I be happy to help with any more questions. Good luck!

Shreya, Lancaster Ambassador
Hi there.
Fortunately enough I didn’t have an interview process for my application. I know majority of people on my course didn’t have an interview process so it’s most definitely possible! Although I have worked as an ambassador on a few interview days for offer holders and the actual interview itself didn’t seem to last to long I think about 30mins with a member of senior staff.
Let me know if your have any other questions, I’d be happy to help

Lancaster Ambassador
Original post by lolatung
Hi, I don’t know if I wanna do chemical engineering but I have to soon apply. Ive just read that it’s mundane and boring and has no job aspects. I just wanna help the environment. Also it’s all physics? I have not taken physics Alevel because I hate it sm, so should I even take up chemical engineering?

Hi, I am a chemical engineering student at Nottingham. I would defo recommend having a look at the modules on the unis you want to apply to as that can tell you how you would be assessed, how much content etc. Funnily enough a lot of the students I know enjoy the course content including exams but hate the design projects.
In terms of job prosepects, I don't know where you heard that from but its one of the most broad engineering disciplines and so there are a lot of sectors you can go into.

I started the course not having done A level physics or maths but a foundation year. The physics is more thermodynamics which was fairly staightforward and only one module during 1st year. One thing I would say is don't decide to do the course because you enjoy chemistry and are good at it as there won't be much of it at all.

If you have anymore questions I am happy to answer.

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