The Student Room Group

Do guys like me or are they just desperate

Keeping it simple but i’m a just turned 19 yrs old girl and i’ve been at uni for about 4 weeks and i can’t help but feel conflicted by certain aspects regarding relationships and whatnot.
For context prior to moving i had one boyfriend, never kissed only held hands so my experience is next to nothing and unlike all my friends, never met or got with people or had guys wanting to be with me.
Upon arriving here though, i been out clubbing (nothing crazy or insanely drunk.) and i found myself in a scenario with a man grinding on me and grabbing my hips which shocked me. Then on the same night i had a guy make out with me out of nowhere and then another ask me on a date.
however, after the date he messaged me at 3am drunk asking me to come over, likely for sex.
The point is, i don’t know if perhaps i’m actually more attractive than i think of myself or if guys just simply want a woman’s body on them. I’m curvier and not as skinny as most girls, not to mention i wear heavy eyeliner plus i’ve never had male attention so the idea makes me feel confused or if it’s just pure horniness fair enough i guess lol
Original post by Anonymous
Keeping it simple but i’m a just turned 19 yrs old girl and i’ve been at uni for about 4 weeks and i can’t help but feel conflicted by certain aspects regarding relationships and whatnot.
For context prior to moving i had one boyfriend, never kissed only held hands so my experience is next to nothing and unlike all my friends, never met or got with people or had guys wanting to be with me.
Upon arriving here though, i been out clubbing (nothing crazy or insanely drunk.) and i found myself in a scenario with a man grinding on me and grabbing my hips which shocked me. Then on the same night i had a guy make out with me out of nowhere and then another ask me on a date.
however, after the date he messaged me at 3am drunk asking me to come over, likely for sex.
The point is, i don’t know if perhaps i’m actually more attractive than i think of myself or if guys just simply want a woman’s body on them. I’m curvier and not as skinny as most girls, not to mention i wear heavy eyeliner plus i’ve never had male attention so the idea makes me feel confused or if it’s just pure horniness fair enough i guess lol

Don't put yourself down, i would bet that you are a beautiful woman.

I would suggest that you speak to someone about your confidence issues.

If you are a virgin waiting for marriage, then make it clear and don't feel pressured. Good luck
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by Wired_1800
Don't put yourself down, i would bet that you are a beautiful woman.

I would suggest that you speak to someone about your confidence issues.

If you are a virgin waiting for marriage, then make it clear and don't feel pressured. Good luck

lmaoo no i’m not gonna wait till marriage i’m just a very awkward person and i just never had guys even think of me as attractive so it’s strange, sex does scare me a little but again confidence issues and lack of male attention so yk goes hand in hand. Been trying to up my confidence throughout the years but it’s like watching paint dry :,)
Many thanks tho!! <3
Original post by Anonymous
lmaoo no i’m not gonna wait till marriage i’m just a very awkward person and i just never had guys even think of me as attractive so it’s strange, sex does scare me a little but again confidence issues and lack of male attention so yk goes hand in hand. Been trying to up my confidence throughout the years but it’s like watching paint dry :,)
Many thanks tho!! <3

Hopefully it works out for you. Like I said, i would bet that you are more attractive than you think. Maybe go out more and dont be closed off.
Reply 4
I image you’re more attractive than you’re rating yourself. Clubbing does tend to be associated with more animalistic rituals. Try a bit of flirting in more sociable settings and go on some more dates
Hardly any girls wanted to go out with me before uni and I rarely got any attention. When I was at uni though, it seemed a lot of people were really serious about dating and it was much more full on, I remember having girls showing interest in me and even coming up to me for a chat when I was at the first year parties which had never ever happened before. I would say uni is a very good opportunity for dating and if guys are showing interest in you it means you are attractive and should probably take advantage of what is on offer. Dating is probably more difficult after uni.

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