The Student Room Group

Should I ask why she lost interest?

Everything seemed to go so well, but all of a sudden, she lost interest. I have no idea why it happened, should I ask her? I'm afraid I'll be seen down bad and look desperate. But on the other hand I'm curious
Original post by Anonymous #1
Everything seemed to go so well, but all of a sudden, she lost interest. I have no idea why it happened, should I ask her? I'm afraid I'll be seen down bad and look desperate. But on the other hand I'm curious

Absolutely no point in asking her.

Not only will this make you look desperate and clingy, but you probably won't get an honest answer anyway (sometimes the truth can be a bitter pill to swallow... so you'd probably get nothing more than the cliched "It's not you, it's me" type answer). You can either just accept it, try and work it out for yourself, or possibly ask one of her mates (if you know them).

Realistically, however, girls will suddenly go cold on guys during the talking stage for one of four reasons:-

1) You said or did something that put her off you (in these cases, an omission is basically the same sort of thing)
2) She found out something about you she didn't like (or someone told her).
3) She was chatting to a couple of other people as well, and one of them proved or demonstrated that he was a better catch than the rest, so decided to pursue things exclusively with him.
4) Sometimes, these things run their course & peter out... this can happen if you've been talking for a while, and things stay static at the same level for too long (i.e. they don't naturally progress / escalate)
(edited 11 months ago)
Reply 2
No point of asking. Just let her go.
Reply 3
I don’t think you get answers that help you for the future with this question so best to avoid
Reply 4
there’s no point asking just attempt to move on as hard as it is
Reply 5
There are actually two reasons why she is acting like this. The first reason is she isn't into you. The second reason is you didn't make a move on her when she was expecting you to and she got bored or angry as a result of that. The only thing you can do is ask her on another date and see what she says.

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