I work two evenings a week, here’s my pros and cons
-you have money and money = freedom, you won’t need to ask your parents for money to go out, and can get dinner or clothes without having to ask anyone’s permission
-you’ll mature so much while working, being in that formal environment with co workers and pay slips is what I think made me actually feel like a 17 year old, and makes me feel more confident in my future
-ucas forms, as you’ve mentioned having experience is really useful, plus when you’re older and look for more work you’ll have previous job experience, so be more employable
-you’ll have less free time, as most of your life will end up being in sixth form, doing homework or working, if you do get a job it’s a commitment and you’ll have to accept stopping certain things (i had to stop volunteering, and have less times for hobbies
-it can be quite stressful, you’re treated as an adult so do have to do things like calling in sick and making you’re own transport (or at least i do), plus depending on how strict your work are with holiday you might be working in exam season which is very intense
-missing out on things can be quite upsetting, i no longer get many family meals and there are countless times ive had to say no to going out because of working, also if your friends also have jobs it’ll be infinitely more difficult to coordinate with them and make plans