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Uni choices for psychology

I'm currently predicted 3 A* but I am struggling to choose a safety uni - what grade requirement should I go for? I'm fairly confident that I could get at least 3A so I'm thinking I could go for unis with an AAA entry requirement. Currently I'm considering either Warwick or Manchester as I think I'd enjoy myself at those unis, but am I being too ambitious? I've already submitted my application to Cambridge, Bath, and UCL - still waiting to hear back from these unis. Any advice would be appreciated, thank you!
Hi! Lancaster University offers Psychology BSc for grades AAB, we're located in the Northwest of England, close to the Lake District. The degree programme is fully BPS accredited (excluding some joint honours programmes). The department provides a lot of opportunity to increase your employability skills after graduation, as well as boosting applications to Masters or PhD programmes. For example, we offer research placements through the Psychology Employability Programme where students can experience what it is like to carry out scientific research and gain more skills outside of the classroom. Currently Lancaster University is ranked as a top 10 and top 15 university in the major ranking charts. Let me know if you have any questions, and good luck on your applications!
-Kat (2nd year psychology student)
Reply 2
Original post by swaggiekaty
I'm currently predicted 3 A* but I am struggling to choose a safety uni - what grade requirement should I go for? I'm fairly confident that I could get at least 3A so I'm thinking I could go for unis with an AAA entry requirement. Currently I'm considering either Warwick or Manchester as I think I'd enjoy myself at those unis, but am I being too ambitious? I've already submitted my application to Cambridge, Bath, and UCL - still waiting to hear back from these unis. Any advice would be appreciated, thank you!

Hi, just wondering if you have heard from any Uni yet? Good luck!
Original post by swaggiekaty
I'm currently predicted 3 A* but I am struggling to choose a safety uni - what grade requirement should I go for? I'm fairly confident that I could get at least 3A so I'm thinking I could go for unis with an AAA entry requirement. Currently I'm considering either Warwick or Manchester as I think I'd enjoy myself at those unis, but am I being too ambitious? I've already submitted my application to Cambridge, Bath, and UCL - still waiting to hear back from these unis. Any advice would be appreciated, thank you!

Hi @swaggiekaty ,

Congratulations on your predicted grades!

It can be overwhelming choosing which university to put as a safety choice. If you wanted you could create a spreadsheet with some headings such as "uni", "grade requirements" and "what I like/do not like about them". This will help you choose a university as a safety choice that you still want to go to, incase you do decide to go there. The spreadsheet will help you look at each university and compare them but you can still take into account the entire requirements.

Attend open days if you can or virtual open days like we have at Kent ( and make some time to have a look at the modules, opportunities and what people have to say about the course/uni (from alumni).

There is also the option to go through clearing when results time comes around but there is a risk here that you end up at a uni or doing a course you are not as passionate about.

What do you hope to study? Your degree choice might also influence your choice of safety uni. As well as this, are there any facilities that you need your university to have eg tennis courts if you love to play tennis. Try not to sacrifice the things you like because of the university ranking for example because everyones experience at university is different!

Good luck and if you have any more questions, do not hesitate to ask! As a final year student, I still remember the stress of having to pick just 5 universities then narrowing them down even further.

University of Kent Student Rep

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