The Student Room Group
dont think this way someone is waiting for you .
Strange how your target isn't the one who actually betrayed you.
She didn't 'steal' your boyfriend. He decided to leave you and get into a relationship with her. If you want to blame anyone, blame him as the person who actually betrayed your trust.

Or, alternatively, just move on. This sort of attitude really won't bring you any sort of closure from this. If he has betrayed your trust, he is not worth being with. If he hasn't and has just chosen not to be with you, it was also never realistic for him to be with you long term. Either way, let him go, move on with your life, and find someone who actually wants to be in a relationship with you.
I was this same way as well. The guy I was with was seeing another girl who was 'nice', and I really hated that girl and did lots of bad things to try to ruin her, but it turns out that it wasn't her fault and I shouldn't have done that. It was really the fault of the guy, he disrespected and betrayed me.

We tend to look at things in that way because we really like the person and don't consider its them, but try to put everything on the other person and make it all about it was them who tried to steal him and take him away. In reality, its not like that, I've learnt that now- if the guy really liked you, then he wouldn't be swayed by someone else.

So my advice is just forget it and move on. I've been there already.
Original post by Anonymous #1
How can I ruin this girl? she stole my boyfriend from me and everyone says shes the nicest girl ever. Shes also a cheerleader smh, so i need to find something that I can do that will make him hate her

Judging by this post, it's not surprising that he left you for someone else...
Not much if a boyfriend then was he, and it takes two so not just her.
Best try and move on as your better off without any of them