The Student Room Group

I want to get married and have kids

I am 36 nearly 37 and I am desperate to get married and have kids. I have vitiligo that has affected my confidence. Is it too late?
No never too late.
Its not too late to get married, but as for having kids, it might be too late as it get harder to make children past 35 based on research.
It is not too late to find a potential partner who wants to get married and raise a family with you. :smile:

Wanting marriage, your age and the vitiligo will reduce your potential dating pool by weeding out obviously incompatible people.
If you want biological children, you may want to consider going to a private clinic and getting some fertility tests done.
Good luck!
Who doesn’t your not the only one wanting to get married and have kids
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by Anonymous #1
I am 36 nearly 37 and I am desperate to get married and have kids. I have vitiligo that has affected my confidence. Is it too late?

your fertility is really not at the best now
it may lead to miscarriages but its a fair chance only

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