The Student Room Group


Hey, I have achieved my grades and have done a gap year. I applied and have gotten a few offers subject to me sending them proof of my grades. If I do send them proof, is that me accepting the offer?
Original post by curiousgeorge12
Hey, I have achieved my grades and have done a gap year. I applied and have gotten a few offers subject to me sending them proof of my grades. If I do send them proof, is that me accepting the offer?

No, to accept an offer you would need to make it your Firm choice, satisfy the offer conditionas (in this case evidence of your qualifications), and then enrol on the course around a month or two ahead of the start date.

Sending your docs does not commit you to anything, it'll just make your offer status unconditional.
Original post by Admit-One

No, to accept an offer you would need to make it your Firm choice, satisfy the offer conditionas (in this case evidence of your qualifications), and then enrol on the course around a month or two ahead of the start date.

Sending your docs does not commit you to anything, it'll just make your offer status unconditional.

I got an offer for reading but it was conditional, if I send proof of my grades will it turn unconditional? I’ve heard that if it is conditional then you’d have to firm, you can’t insurance it
Original post by curiousgeorge12
I got an offer for reading but it was conditional, if I send proof of my grades will it turn unconditional? I’ve heard that if it is conditional then you’d have to firm, you can’t insurance it

Yes, if you send evidence to meet the conditions Reading should update the offer status. If you're accepting an unconditional offer then you won't need an insurance in any case.

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