The Student Room Group

Revising over Christmas

Christmas is here! Well, almost.

But I’m sure many of you will still have lots of revision and mocks on your minds.

Fitting in revision over the holidays is probably dimming your Christmas spirit, but I’ve got some tips to keep you festive and your revision on track.

My no.1 tip is to do short, focussed bursts of revision. Set aside an hour, for example, and we’re going to divide it up like this…

20 minutes focussed revision to revisit a topic. Re-read some notes, watch a YouTube video on the topic, make a quick mind map of key words, etc. This first part is to jog your memory from your lessons.

Then, take a 10-minute break. Maybe wrap some presents, have a mince pie, whatever you like. But my best advice here is to leave your phone alone! Once I’m scrolling, I just can’t stop!

And the final step, is to test yourself. Spend the last 30 minutes having a go at some practice questions you found online, get someone to test you on your flashcards, try to re write your notes out from earlier from memory.

And your hour is done!

I find this helpful to get focussed revision into your day, and you can still fit in an hour or so into your busy holiday schedules.

There are also some other great tips over on our website:

I’ll be revising over Christmas too, so share your own tips and ask any questions! And remember to have some well-deserved rest too!

Merry Christmas!
