The Student Room Group

question for british girls

having talked to some people, and reading a few threads on here, i'm convinced that it should be easier for me as an BBC guy to find a white british/european girlfriend (not being racist, just think fairer skin is beautiful ^_^)

thing is, ive never had any sort of attention from those groups, and i dont really know how i'm meant to meet anyone who would have a preference for east asian guys in the first place? i'm in a few societies but uni is quite busy so i'm not in loads, just some sports ones

is race a big factor for you when making decisions on attractiveness? it just seems a bit rare to find anyone who is into east asians, and even less likely to find anyone who is and who is then willing to do anything about it

i feel like a lot of the "meeting girls and forming relationships" is dependent on getting into drinking culture, which i'm not personally a fan of...

for reference i'm 5'10, go gym, physically active, and reasonably intelligent :smile:
Now when you say BBC…
Original post by Anonymous #2
Now when you say BBC…

Acronym for British Born Chinese.

Get your head out of the gutter.
Original post by Anonymous #2
Now when you say BBC…

british born chinese, not the other BBC... :smile:
Original post by Anonymous #2
Now when you say BBC…

buddy 😆
Original post by Anonymous #3
Acronym for British Born Chinese.

Get your head out of the gutter.

How tf was I meant to know that
Darn I was hoping for the other bbc there
Original post by Anonymous #1
having talked to some people, and reading a few threads on here, i'm convinced that it should be easier for me as an BBC guy to find a white british/european girlfriend (not being racist, just think fairer skin is beautiful ^_^)

thing is, ive never had any sort of attention from those groups, and i dont really know how i'm meant to meet anyone who would have a preference for east asian guys in the first place? i'm in a few societies but uni is quite busy so i'm not in loads, just some sports ones

is race a big factor for you when making decisions on attractiveness? it just seems a bit rare to find anyone who is into east asians, and even less likely to find anyone who is and who is then willing to do anything about it

i feel like a lot of the "meeting girls and forming relationships" is dependent on getting into drinking culture, which i'm not personally a fan of...

for reference i'm 5'10, go gym, physically active, and reasonably intelligent :smile:

Was so confused when I saw BBC because no black guy would have to ask this question but East Asian makes sense 💀
I'm white (not British but grew up in the UK) and I tend to find East Asian guys attractive. It's not race per se, more the attitudes and values that I am attracted to.
Original post by Anonymous #1
having talked to some people, and reading a few threads on here, i'm convinced that it should be easier for me as an BBC guy to find a white british/european girlfriend (not being racist, just think fairer skin is beautiful ^_^)

thing is, ive never had any sort of attention from those groups, and i dont really know how i'm meant to meet anyone who would have a preference for east asian guys in the first place? i'm in a few societies but uni is quite busy so i'm not in loads, just some sports ones

is race a big factor for you when making decisions on attractiveness? it just seems a bit rare to find anyone who is into east asians, and even less likely to find anyone who is and who is then willing to do anything about it

i feel like a lot of the "meeting girls and forming relationships" is dependent on getting into drinking culture, which i'm not personally a fan of...

for reference i'm 5'10, go gym, physically active, and reasonably intelligent :smile:

as a british girl who has lived here her whole life race isn’t factor when deciding if we like you as a person but some ppl aren’t super attracted to east asians but obviously it’s subjective but considering factors like ur height and the fact ur smart and active is attractive to loads of girls that i know so dw i’m sure u will find someone :smile:
Original post by Anonymous #6
I'm white (not British but grew up in the UK) and I tend to find East Asian guys attractive. It's not race per se, more the attitudes and values that I am attracted to.

i see - just out of curiosity, what sort of attitudes and values do you personally find attractive in east asians, that you wouldnt tend to find in other guys?
Original post by Anonymous #7
as a british girl who has lived here her whole life race isn’t factor when deciding if we like you as a person but some ppl aren’t super attracted to east asians but obviously it’s subjective but considering factors like ur height and the fact ur smart and active is attractive to loads of girls that i know so dw i’m sure u will find someone :smile:

always reassuring to know 🙂 but theres still the issue of meeting people - where would you suggest are the best places to meet people socially? (not involving alcohol)

i get people have their own preferences, does it then just become a case of "trial and error" until i meet the right person?
Original post by Anonymous #1
always reassuring to know 🙂 but theres still the issue of meeting people - where would you suggest are the best places to meet people socially? (not involving alcohol)

i get people have their own preferences, does it then just become a case of "trial and error" until i meet the right person?

honestly yes but make sure ur selective and pick someone right for you i also don’t drink and hate clubbing and stuff i would recommend going to places like libraries this might just be because i’m a student but there are loads of really nice ppl there and u can just small talk at first and build it up to a friendship first and then u can go from there but honestly you don’t have to go seeking people out you will find them and i know it’s annoying that it’s out of your control but don’t stress u seem really nice i’m sure u will find someone :smile:

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