I'm sure this is a very commonly asked question so I apologize.
I am currently in Year 12, and I'm studying Business, English Language and Spanish. I chose these subjects with the intention of pursuing marketing or something similar at university. However I've been put off by many unis preferring maths for these courses. Before marketing I had also considered pursuing something that would involve writing skills, such as advertising/copywriting, journalism etc.
I have also recently discovered a passion for linguistics and am considering doing a degree in it if marketing doesn't work out.
For work experience, I have the option of visiting my primary school and spending it there (I have already reached out and they've said they would be happy to have me). I'm only hesitating because if I do decide to take up marketing, I'm afraid it won't be relevant enough to mention in my personal statement.
Does anyone have any advice? Would linguistics be a better route for me at this point?