The Student Room Group

Notifications not working/disappearing

Notifications are xxxxed!Not working or disappearing.
Original post by Scotney
Notifications are xxxxed!Not working or disappearing.

Would you be able to raise an issue with the new form, please? If you're not able to do that for any reason let me know and I can move this to a new thread for you!
Reply 2
Original post by RainbowLapras
Would you be able to raise an issue with the new form, please? If you're not able to do that for any reason let me know and I can move this to a new thread for you!

Already done lovely!
Reply 3
Original post by Scotney
Already done lovely!

Actually no time for form will do later.
Original post by Scotney
Actually no time for form will do later.

Hey, I've moved this out to a new thread for you! Could you please let me know the device type and browser you're using? :smile:
Reply 5
Original post by RainbowLapras
Hey, I've moved this out to a new thread for you! Could you please let me know the device type and browser you're using? :smile:

Phone Android Windows 7
Original post by Scotney
Phone Android Windows 7

Hi. Thanks for the information. Just to clarify, are you seeing the problem on your Android phone and also on Windows 7 on a laptop/PC? If you are using Windows 7 what web browser are you using please?
Reply 7
Original post by PurpleAndGreen
Hi. Thanks for the information. Just to clarify, are you seeing the problem on your Android phone and also on Windows 7 on a laptop/PC? If you are using Windows 7 what web browser are you using please?

Phone and Chrome.
Original post by Scotney
Phone and Chrome.

Thank you 🙂 I haven't had any luck reproducing notifications not working or disappearing so far, having tried on a couple of different Android phones. Sorry to keep asking for more info but could you let me know the version of Chrome that you have please? This might help explain why it works for me. You may already know how to do this, but just in case:


In Chrome, tap the three dots in the top corner


Select Settings


Scroll right to the bottom and tap About Chrome


Copy the application version


Also, is the problem with the notification menu in the header when you are viewing a thread, again just to make sure I'm looking at the right thing.

Hey @Scotney, just checking in to see if you're still having this issue? :smile:
Reply 10
Original post by RainbowLapras
Hey @Scotney, just checking in to see if you're still having this issue? :smile:
Yes I cannot view all my notifications at once.Just takes me back to homepage.
Original post by Scotney
Yes I cannot view all my notifications at once.Just takes me back to homepage.

Thanks, is that when clicking the "See all" link? If you go directly to does that show them?
Reply 12
Yes and link produces same result rainbow.
Original post by Scotney
Yes and link produces same result rainbow.

How strange! Would you be able to see if it happens in an Incognito window (or private window if you're not on Chrome) or on a different device if you have one, please? If it works in either of those cases, then clearing your cache and cookies for TSR is likely to resolve the issue for you :smile:

If you need me to run you through any of those steps just shout!
Original post by Scotney
Yes and link produces same result rainbow.

Hi, just checking in - are you still seeing this issue?

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