Hi i’m currently really unsure about what to do after i finish my current course. I am doing a level 3 networking and cybersecurity course and thought i could go to uni next but realised that i cannot since this is just a certificate and not extended diploma type of btec and also offers really low ucas points.
Would it be okay for me to do an access course after finishing my current one then go to uni or should i look into doing something else since i’m even having some difficulty finding access courses about cybersecurity. Sorry just feeling really unsure i should’ve looked more into the type of course i’m doing and don’t want to make another mistake. I really do enjoy doing cybersecurity and this course has helped me understand that which is why i want to further my education on it but i do feel like i wasted a bit of time doing this instead of a course that could help me go into other things.
also thinking having to do another year before going uni has really saddened me…sorry for the lengthy post