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Depressed about Uni Subject Choice

Applied to study English and Philosophy at the best places in the UK that offer this degree, had several offers. Now I’m annoyed that I should have picked a more useful and respected degree. Worried that my ‘mickey mouse’ degree won’t get me anywhere or get me any respect when looking for jobs. Didn’t do well enough in Maths A Level to get me anywhere prestigious to do economics etc. This might just be a large waste. Not sure what to do.
Reply 1
Are you trolling? Both of these subjects are serious, rigorous academic subjects, and certainly not in any serious way 'mickey mouse' degrees.

What do you mean by 'useful'? Vocational degrees that lead directly to jobs are few and far between.
Completely understand how you feel, i was in the same position wanted to study philosophy and english and countless people said it was a waste of time, so, i was going to change my subject to to do PPE (politics philosophy and economics) but i needed a 7 in maths whereas i only had a 6 so in the end i ended up doing the degree i'm doing now criminology and sociology. i don't regret choosing this current degree because i genuinely enjoy it however, ill always have a want to study philosophy because i know ill enjoy it and after actually looking at the degrees worth its very noticed. Look up people who have got philosophy degrees, its such a versatile degree that alot of jobs aknowledge, also, the people that say its worthless wont understand the passion and hard work you will put into it- the best degrees are the ones you put the work into and use any opportunities given in the uni to your full advantage. hope this helped! if i was you id do it, altleast your asking yourself these questions rather than the question, which is much more daunting, of whether you'll enjoy the degree :smile:
Original post by Molly Ash
Completely understand how you feel, i was in the same position wanted to study philosophy and english and countless people said it was a waste of time, so, i was going to change my subject to to do PPE (politics philosophy and economics) but i needed a 7 in maths whereas i only had a 6 so in the end i ended up doing the degree i'm doing now criminology and sociology. i don't regret choosing this current degree because i genuinely enjoy it however, ill always have a want to study philosophy because i know ill enjoy it and after actually looking at the degrees worth its very noticed. Look up people who have got philosophy degrees, its such a versatile degree that alot of jobs aknowledge, also, the people that say its worthless wont understand the passion and hard work you will put into it- the best degrees are the ones you put the work into and use any opportunities given in the uni to your full advantage. hope this helped! if i was you id do it, altleast your asking yourself these questions rather than the question, which is much more daunting, of whether you'll enjoy the degree :smile:

I understand that. It just feels like I’m being self indulgent instead of thinking about the future. I did very well in GCSE maths but got a B in A Level so I have no idea if PPE is likely to be available. Did you transfer degrees or change before applying?
Reply 4
Original post by Anonymous #1
Applied to study English and Philosophy at the best places in the UK that offer this degree, had several offers. Now I’m annoyed that I should have picked a more useful and respected degree. Worried that my ‘mickey mouse’ degree won’t get me anywhere or get me any respect when looking for jobs. Didn’t do well enough in Maths A Level to get me anywhere prestigious to do economics etc. This might just be a large waste. Not sure what to do.

Why not defer for a year, get a job, go travelling, discover a bit about who you are, get some experience about what the world of work offers, discover what you are good at, find out what you like and maybe decide which direction you initially want to go in. Then you can work backwards and figure out which (if any) degree you need to take.

I have no idea why we encourage our young people to go to university without any sense of purpose or how it fits into a bigger picture.
Original post by Anonymous #1
I understand that. It just feels like I’m being self indulgent instead of thinking about the future. I did very well in GCSE maths but got a B in A Level so I have no idea if PPE is likely to be available. Did you transfer degrees or change before applying?

i chnaged before applying but you can transfer there is a grace period where they will tell yuou the deadline x

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