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How do I stay warm in my uni house

Anyone else’s uni accom freezing! I want to save money on heating but also not be cold 24/7. I’ve focused on wearing multiple layers and forever holding my hot water bottle!
How about you guys? Any top tips?

Original post by undefined
Anyone else’s uni accom freezing! I want to save money on heating but also not be cold 24/7. I’ve focused on wearing multiple layers and forever holding my hot water bottle!
How about you guys? Any top tips?


wool is the best for warmth. A wool duvet is a fabululous investment. Any thing with wool in it will keep you warmer than other fabrics.
Original post by Manchester Met - Student Rep
Anyone else’s uni accom freezing! I want to save money on heating but also not be cold 24/7. I’ve focused on wearing multiple layers and forever holding my hot water bottle!
How about you guys? Any top tips?


Well I'm not in student accommodation but I can still vouch for a heated blanket... have to check that it complies with any student accom regulations but many don't cost much to run and they're very affordable!
Original post by Manchester Met - Student Rep
Anyone else’s uni accom freezing! I want to save money on heating but also not be cold 24/7. I’ve focused on wearing multiple layers and forever holding my hot water bottle!
How about you guys? Any top tips?


Hi! You could try saving money in other areas so that you have more money to spend on heating, for example charging your devices at university (and investing in a portable charger that you could also charge that at uni). I personally have a weighted blanket that I put on top of my duvet to keep warm, as well as a heatable cushion that is powered from my laptop. Drinking plenty of hot drinks such as tea, coffee, hot chocolate etc will be a nice comfort.
-Kat (2nd year psychology undergraduate at Lancaster University)
Original post by Manchester Met - Student Rep
Anyone else’s uni accom freezing! I want to save money on heating but also not be cold 24/7. I’ve focused on wearing multiple layers and forever holding my hot water bottle!
How about you guys? Any top tips?


Layers and a hot water bottle are my go to as well. Plus double socks and then boot-style slippers. I also wear a woolly hat as you lose a lot of heat out of your head and feet. The other thing is keep moving. Lunges, squats, running on the spot... all these help me get my circulation going better! Let's hope the cold snap goes away quickly!
Original post by Manchester Met - Student Rep
Anyone else’s uni accom freezing! I want to save money on heating but also not be cold 24/7. I’ve focused on wearing multiple layers and forever holding my hot water bottle!
How about you guys? Any top tips?



I can feel your pain, the cold pain aha and I will definitely be using some of these tips so keep them coming.

I will try and suggest some ideas that haven’t been listed so far

Bedding. I haven’t purchased these yet but teddy/ fleece bedding sets are very comfortable and keep you nice and toasty at night and if it gets any colder I will be buying some for my own bed. If you are unsure about these, or they are too expensive I would also recommend sleeping on top of a fluffy throw (putting the throw on top of your bedsheets) as it does have a similar warm feeling.

Hot wheat(ie) bag. Very similar to a hot water bottle however no water is required and all you need to do is heat it in a microwave. I typically use mine at night before I go to bed and even tempted the idea to bring one to my 9am lecture as it is very cold in the mornings. Plus, you can get some very cute designs, mine is a little highland cow.

Fluffy socks. A life saver when people asked me what small things, I would like for Christmas I said fluffy or long socks. I wear them all the time, even with my trainers I think they can be quite cute, practical and nothing is worse than cold toes.

Hot drinks. This has already been mentioned such as coffee, tea and hot chocolate but something I used to have when I was a lot younger was warm squash such as hot Ribena it was always a treat to have when I was ill or it was very cold and it is quite nice, so if you are a Ribena fan like me I would recommend this drink.

Accessories. I don’t get cold too often when I am out and about, but I do suffer with terrible earache when the weather is like this due to having cold ears. As of this, I always try and wear either a hat, my hoodie, earmuffs or even my headphones. I would also recommend a pair of gloves just to have in your bag/ coat in case it gets very cold or even hand warmers (these can be quite cheap and even re-usable)

Layers. If layers aren’t working, I would recommend instead thermals, they are designed to keep out moisture and keep yourself warm.

Hope this helps, aha ironically there will probably be a thread when we are all too hot in the summer and need to cool down

-Maddie, second year Health and well-being in society student at De Montfort University
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by Manchester Met - Student Rep
Anyone else’s uni accom freezing! I want to save money on heating but also not be cold 24/7. I’ve focused on wearing multiple layers and forever holding my hot water bottle!
How about you guys? Any top tips?


The cold weather is really not ideal for studying and as someone who turns blue in cold weather I try any and every tactic to keep warm and always on the lookout for other tips.


Hot Waterbottles are great


Heated blankets - don't cost much to run but keep you warm


Hats and Gloves




Getting out and using heating in other locations such as cafes or the library or some uni study spaces


Layering - sensibly and not just piling on clothes which ends up making you colder by cutting circulation


Insulated footwear


A warm long coat


Handwarmers - you can get electric ones / reusable ones


Hot drinks

It is sometimes a real dilema of expense vs warmth but remeber that you can't be productive if your shivering. The cold weather can really wipe you out and make you tired and feel miserable and unwell so remember to look after yourself!
Catherine - University of Strathclyde Student Ambassador
- a dehumidifier if your house is in any way damp - much more energy efficient than electric heaters and will help if you're drying clothes inside too
- shut the curtains at night, open them during the day
- sheepskin/fleece blanket UNDER your bottom sheet (don't sleep on the blanket directly - it'll need washing!) - or even better see if you can scrounge a spare single duvet from someone and put that under your bottom sheet
- ask your landlord to install more insulation
Original post by Manchester Met - Student Rep
Anyone else’s uni accom freezing! I want to save money on heating but also not be cold 24/7. I’ve focused on wearing multiple layers and forever holding my hot water bottle!
How about you guys? Any top tips?


Hi Emily,

I found wearing lots of layers including thick socks and jumpers as well as drinking hot drinks like tea and hot chocolate useful. You can also get yourself a nice thick blanket to wrap up in to keep warm. Keeping yourself moving as much as possible is also a great way to feel warmer.

All the best,
Try putting a hot water bottle at the bottom of a sleeping bag and then sitting at your desk or in bed in the sleeping bag. The heat will rise and you’ll be super toasty!
Original post by rafa the jabali
wool is the best for warmth. A wool duvet is a fabululous investment. Any thing with wool in it will keep you warmer than other fabrics.

This is so true, and It’s not adding to your energy bill like an electric blanket would!
Original post by Lancaster Student Ambassador
Hi! You could try saving money in other areas so that you have more money to spend on heating, for example charging your devices at university (and investing in a portable charger that you could also charge that at uni). I personally have a weighted blanket that I put on top of my duvet to keep warm, as well as a heatable cushion that is powered from my laptop. Drinking plenty of hot drinks such as tea, coffee, hot chocolate etc will be a nice comfort.
-Kat (2nd year psychology undergraduate at Lancaster University)

Hi Kat
A heated blanket powered by your laptop sounds like a phenomenal idea! I would agree that just trying to streamline the day to day living economically will help keep finances down in these colder months!

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