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How to fill out partial degree completion on UCAS application


I need a bit of help with filling out my UCAS application. I previously studied biomedical science, but dropped out at the beginning of my second year as I wanted to study something else. I am in the process of applying to a new degree, but I am unsure about how to fill out on my UCAS application that I did complete my year one modules for the course I dropped out in, and that you apparently have to fill out ALL of your qualifications. So not sure what to do. If anyone has answers, pls let me know.

Original post by sjdhfljdsflfh

I need a bit of help with filling out my UCAS application. I previously studied biomedical science, but dropped out at the beginning of my second year as I wanted to study something else. I am in the process of applying to a new degree, but I am unsure about how to fill out on my UCAS application that I did complete my year one modules for the course I dropped out in, and that you apparently have to fill out ALL of your qualifications. So not sure what to do. If anyone has answers, pls let me know.


The first post of the University Transfer FAQ thread at the top of applications, clearing and ucas has a link to a worked example showing how to use the “other” option to do this

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