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what do you call cheating

i just need to know ......

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Original post by Anonymous #1
i just need to know ......

Physical touch, being sexual, purposely doing something but trying to cover it up for example your drunk, high and like kissed a girl out of the blue like tf accept it in sense or not your a cheat, dating someone whilst in a relationship with someone else, not having the confidence to open up around your other for example messages on the phone but your phone flipped around instead of right side up, having the need to leave the room in your others presence and not being courageous and honest to take the call in front of them.
Original post by Mohammed_80
Physical touch, being sexual, purposely doing something but trying to cover it up for example your drunk, high and like kissed a girl out of the blue like tf accept it in sense or not your a cheat, dating someone whilst in a relationship with someone else, not having the confidence to open up around your other for example messages on the phone but your phone flipped around instead of right side up, having the need to leave the room in your others presence and not being courageous and honest to take the call in front of them.

i am confused dumb it down for me please ...a little more
Original post by Mohammed_80
Physical touch, being sexual, purposely doing something but trying to cover it up for example your drunk, high and like kissed a girl out of the blue like tf accept it in sense or not your a cheat, dating someone whilst in a relationship with someone else, not having the confidence to open up around your other for example messages on the phone but your phone flipped around instead of right side up, having the need to leave the room in your others presence and not being courageous and honest to take the call in front of them.

Remember that such things as not sharing messages or leaving the room for a call is often just as much about the other persons privacy, who likely assumes they are talking to one person and one only. You can't really just blindly declare it cheating as much as sneaky conversations might facilitate cheating.
Original post by Anonymous #1
i just need to know ......

kissing someone else, sleeping with someone else, being way to physical with someone else. I lowkey think watching IT online is but i'm sort of iffy with that one because it depends how long they watch it for and how often this happens.

Also I wouldn't fully class it as cheating but i certainly wouldnt be comfortable if someone else was clearly being flirty or touchy but they just werent telling them to stop or trying to move away and then trying to deny it was happening. I get that sometimes people dont realise it but if it keeps happening then i would be mad.
Original post by Anonymous #2
kissing someone else, sleeping with someone else, being way to physical with someone else. I lowkey think watching IT online is but i'm sort of iffy with that one because it depends how long they watch it for and how often this happens.

Also I wouldn't fully class it as cheating but i certainly wouldnt be comfortable if someone else was clearly being flirty or touchy but they just werent telling them to stop or trying to move away and then trying to deny it was happening. I get that sometimes people dont realise it but if it keeps happening then i would be mad.

i am just confused because people say cheating is like talking to other girls and stuff as cheating on them
Original post by Anonymous #1
i am just confused because people say cheating is like talking to other girls and stuff as cheating on them

Some people exaggerate these things to the point where having a female friend is 'cheating'

I think to actually cheat you have to at least willingly kiss someone, intent isn't enough.
Original post by StriderHort
Some people exaggerate these things to the point where having a female friend is 'cheating'

I think to actually cheat you have to at least willingly kiss someone, intent isn't enough.

ok that makes alot of sense if i a friend that is a girl than it is not my girlfriend than that is not cheating.....
Original post by StriderHort
Remember that such things as not sharing messages or leaving the room for a call is often just as much about the other persons privacy, who likely assumes they are talking to one person and one only. You can't really just blindly declare it cheating as much as sneaky conversations might facilitate cheating.

Depends on the way and manner you leave your partner says to you who it is.. you say it’s no one eventually they come to find out it’s another girl then…
Original post by Mohammed_80
Depends on the way and manner you leave your partner says to you who it is.. you say it’s no one eventually they come to find out it’s another girl then…

Yeah I would agree there is such a thing as being downright suspicious with your phone rather than just respecting peoples privacy.
Original post by Anonymous #1
ok that makes alot of sense if i a friend that is a girl than it is not my girlfriend than that is not cheating.....

No it is not cheating.
ok that makes sense i guess i will have to find out from here than thanks everyone
Original post by Anonymous #1
i am just confused because people say cheating is like talking to other girls and stuff as cheating on them

I never said talking to other girls. I'm fine with that, i'm not gonna restrict him from an entire gender.
Original post by Anonymous #2
I never said talking to other girls. I'm fine with that, i'm not gonna restrict him from an entire gender.

oh really ok umm waht do you need help with
Original post by Anonymous #1
oh really ok umm waht do you need help with

... wdym what do i need help with? Im helping you
Reply 15
It’s actually getting off with someone other than your partner or indeed a willingness to do so if you could. Socially polite or non serious flirting while in a relationship isn’t full blown cheating but may of course annoy your partner
Original post by Anonymous #1
ok that makes alot of sense if i a friend that is a girl than it is not my girlfriend than that is not cheating.....

It depends.

Some people adamantly believe that women and men CANNOT be friends without there being some kind of sexual / romantic intention or undercurrent from at least one of the party. Others obviously firmly believe the opposite... so I think it depends on the specific mind-set(s) of the people involved. Obviously the specific circumstances may play a role as well (e.g. siblings, professional relationships such as work colleagues etc.)

I think you would have to ask yourself WHY, you're friends with a particular girl and to be really honest with yourself (TBF, this can be a very hard thing to do).

The "can men and women (really) be friends?" debate was discussed here recently, you can read the thread here if you're interested:-
Original post by Mohammed_80
Physical touch, being sexual, purposely doing something but trying to cover it up for example your drunk, high and like kissed a girl out of the blue like tf accept it in sense or not your a cheat, dating someone whilst in a relationship with someone else, not having the confidence to open up around your other for example messages on the phone but your phone flipped around instead of right side up, having the need to leave the room in your others presence and not being courageous and honest to take the call in front of them.

Just to play Devils Advocate..,

what about those who have an open relationship? If a couple have an agreement that they're allowed to do "stuff" with others, would that still be considered cheating?

IMHO, it really constitutes something you deliberately conceal from your partner, or you would rather they didn't know about it.
Original post by Old Skool Freak
Just to play Devils Advocate..,

what about those who have an open relationship? If a couple have an agreement that they're allowed to do "stuff" with others, would that still be considered cheating?

IMHO, it really constitutes something you deliberately conceal from your partner, or you would rather they didn't know about it.

Genuinely who’s involved in a open relationship nowadays generally doing stuff you’ll only be calling yourself a player, cheat etc don't you think yes you’ll have the choice at the end of the day but think about it…
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by Mohammed_80
Genuinely who’s involved in a open relationship nowadays generally doing stuff you’ll only be calling yourself a player, cheat etc don't you think yes you’ll have the choice at the end of the day but think about it…

You may not like it, but it's an arrangement that suits some people. For example Will Smith and Jada Pinkett very famously have / had an open relationship.

On the other hand, one of my mates has a bisexual girlfriend (she never realised this until she was with him, so never explored that side of her sexuality beforehand). In order to compensate, she's allowed to "cheat" on him with other women... on the condition she tells him about it. On the other hand, he's not allowed to do anything with anyone else... although he does get treated to a threesome once in a while

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