So I (22F) have been in a relationship with my boyfriend (21) for just over a year. I don’t follow any random guys (random or previously dated) on instagram, i have made the effort to remove all of them at some point after getting with my bf as i didnt want stuff like this to interfere with our relationship and i wanted to set boundaries. However tbh I have had a history where i have cheated once on my bf and hid it, as well as keeping contact with someone who was clearly into me, proposing days out and that was talking bad about my bf, without really thinking about what i was doing. All of these things have made my bf feel insecure and this is the reason he uses as to why he sometimes checks my following list and questions me whenever i start following another guy. Rn i only follow new guys for work, and this stalking from my boyfriend is starting to make me uncomfortable, yet I do understand where he comes from. Any opinions or tips?