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computer science- worth it?

Is doing computer science at a lower ranked uni worth it? e.g. Nottingham Trent?

I would love to work for Google, Meta etc. one-day but I am not sure if they would value me less than someone with a UCL degree or something.
Original post by Anonymous #1
Is doing computer science at a lower ranked uni worth it? e.g. Nottingham Trent?

I would love to work for Google, Meta etc. one-day but I am not sure if they would value me less than someone with a UCL degree or something.

I think Nottingham Trent might be a bad example. The uni I am looking at does not require any specific A-levels or specific GCSE grades.
Reply 2
Original post by Anonymous #1
Is doing computer science at a lower ranked uni worth it? e.g. Nottingham Trent?

I would love to work for Google, Meta etc. one-day but I am not sure if they would value me less than someone with a UCL degree or something.

Industry placement is incredibly important. You’ll probably learn more. Find a University that has good connections for a year in industry.
Reply 3
Original post by Anonymous #1
Is doing computer science at a lower ranked uni worth it? e.g. Nottingham Trent?

I would love to work for Google, Meta etc. one-day but I am not sure if they would value me less than someone with a UCL degree or something.

If this is the course, it looks brilliant

It includes a sandwich year which is gold dust. It also seems to cover more practical and vocational elements of computing that will make you more employable than an academic course offered by a "high ranking" university - whatever one of those is. Go there and see what they have to offer.

Please do not get het up about rankings. No one in the real world could care less. They only care about what you can do and what you know, not where you went. The only measure you want to look at is employability because if that is why you are going to university, that is the one that is the most important.

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