The Student Room Group

What car has everything you want ultimate dream car

Original post by Brianstudy01

BMW or Golf for me. 1 series or GTI. White or Black. Nice 4 door handle car, 5 seater be lovely for a family car one day.
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by Mohammed_80
BMW or Golf for me. 1 series or GTI. White or Black. Nice 4 door handle car, 5 seater be lovely for a family car one day.

What type of 1 series
I dunno if any one car hits every button for me, I'd want 4/5 seats for flexibility but almost all my favourite cars have only 2

A Nissan GT-R maybe, 2+2 seats, AWD, all the power I'd ever want and good modification potential.

If cost of upkeep was no object a Jaguar XJ220 would be awesome.

A year or two down the line I might be tempted by a Lotus Evora, one of the newer 400 or GT models.
Original post by StriderHort
I dunno if any one car hits every button for me, I'd want 4/5 seats for flexibility but almost all my favourite cars have only 2

A Nissan GT-R maybe, 2+2 seats, AWD, all the power I'd ever want and good modification potential.

If cost of upkeep was no object a Jaguar XJ220 would be awesome.

A year or two down the line I might be tempted by a Lotus Evora, one of the newer 400 or GT models.

So from my criteria what car do you think would love
Original post by Brianstudy01
So from my criteria what car do you think would love

Your only criteria were ultimate perfect dream car though :P

It's tricky to pick a car you've never drove or even sat in and claim it to be your dream. Easy to say you'd love a £5 million Bugatti Divo etc, but you might end up not liking how it drives or how you feel in it's cabin.

The Nissan GTR is prob the one I've wanted the longest and suspect I'd like. That and the Evora are on my list partly because they're cars I might realistically attain, even though they make newer or better ones. I'm not really one for pining for cars I'll never have.
Original post by StriderHort
Your only criteria were ultimate perfect dream car though :P

It's tricky to pick a car you've never drove or even sat in and claim it to be your dream. Easy to say you'd love a £5 million Bugatti Divo etc, but you might end up not liking how it drives or how you feel in it's cabin.

The Nissan GTR is prob the one I've wanted the longest and suspect I'd like. That and the Evora are on my list partly because they're cars I might realistically attain, even though they make newer or better ones. I'm not really one for pining for cars I'll never have.

Isn’t the r8 better then gtr
Original post by Brianstudy01
Isn’t the r8 better then gtr

They have a lot in common and the R8 V10 prob has more power out of the box, but maybe more you can do with the GT-Rs turbos, assuming price no object.

I do like the R8. even though from some angles it's not so great, but they're a bit of a sore subject as way too close to the S5 V8 I already have which is parked up needing a new clutch, my worry if I got an equal era R8 would be that it would feel more or less the same as the car I already have. the 2nd gen V10+ models look nice though.

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