The Student Room Group

New job

Hi, I’ve just started a new job and in order to process my pay roll they want me to either sign up with an umbrella company which acts like a middle man for the taxes etc or sign up with PAYE. Idk what to do because the umbrella company wants to take 100 plus pounds a week from my pay as tax and employers insurance etc. I’ve been paid more in the past and this has never happened? I am currently a full time employer with a very average salary? Is there something wrong with this? Pls help
Original post by BARBZII
Hi, I’ve just started a new job and in order to process my pay roll they want me to either sign up with an umbrella company which acts like a middle man for the taxes etc or sign up with PAYE. Idk what to do because the umbrella company wants to take 100 plus pounds a week from my pay as tax and employers insurance etc. I’ve been paid more in the past and this has never happened? I am currently a full time employer with a very average salary? Is there something wrong with this? Pls help

You have been given the option to "either sign up with an umbrella company which acts like a middle man for the taxes etc or sign up with PAYE".

Why would you not sign-up directly with the employer as a PAYE employee? It'd be far simpler and saves the £100 fee to the umbrella company. Is there a downside? Is there a difference to what you'd actually be paid?
Reply 2
Original post by DataVenia
You have been given the option to "either sign up with an umbrella company which acts like a middle man for the taxes etc or sign up with PAYE".

Why would you not sign-up directly with the employer as a PAYE employee? It'd be far simpler and saves the £100 fee to the umbrella company. Is there a downside? Is there a difference to what you'd actually be paid?

The only option was PAYE or umbrella and I am working through an agency. The agency said PAYE will take even more money than the umbrella which makes no sense
Original post by BARBZII
The only option was PAYE or umbrella and I am working through an agency. The agency said PAYE will take even more money than the umbrella which makes no sense

OK, I misunderstood. When you wrote "they want me to either sign up with an umbrella company which acts like a middle man for the taxes etc or sign up with PAYE" I thought you mean "PAYE with the employer" whereas it seems you mean "PAYE with the agency". Have I got that right now?

This is a complicated question to answer as ideally we'd need a lot more detail, particularly when it comes to things like holiday pay, sick pay, employers pension contributions, etc. It's also not clear whether the salary or rate of pay you're being offered (before tax and other things) is the same between the agency PAYE and umbrella routes. When it's just you and an employer (as it sounds like it is with you current job), those things are fairly straight-forward. When there's another company involved (the agency) or two (the agency and the umbrella company) things can get very complicated very quickly, and it's often not clearly who's liable for what - and if you're not careful it's you who has to bear some unexpected cost.

Without knowing a lot more, it's impossible to give accurate and robust advice. I'll therefore recommend the simplest approach - agency PAYE.
Original post by BARBZII
Hi, I’ve just started a new job and in order to process my pay roll they want me to either sign up with an umbrella company which acts like a middle man for the taxes etc or sign up with PAYE. Idk what to do because the umbrella company wants to take 100 plus pounds a week from my pay as tax and employers insurance etc. I’ve been paid more in the past and this has never happened? I am currently a full time employer with a very average salary? Is there something wrong with this? Pls help

Id do paye with the agency.
I worked for an agency once who used an unbrella company. I had nothing but trouble.

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