The Student Room Group

MPhil in Technology Policy

hi, anyone know how long it will take to get the interview results? interviewed last week, still no response yet.
Reply 1
Original post by scyzy3
hi, anyone know how long it will take to get the interview results? interviewed last week, still no response yet.
I submitted my application on February 16th, and there hasn't been any change in its status yet. When did you submit your application, and when will the studies commence?
Reply 2
Original post by scyzy3
hi, anyone know how long it will take to get the interview results? interviewed last week, still no response yet.
I've only just applied, so I can't help. May I ask how long after your application did you get your interview/ status update?
Reply 3
Original post by ju__c
I've only just applied, so I can't help. May I ask how long after your application did you get your interview/ status update?
Did you get an invitation since then?
Reply 4
Did you get an invitation since then?
No, I have not... I did apply quite late so I expect to have to wait longer. But I have no idea about how long that time period would be so...

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