The Student Room Group

Is he (17m) losing interest in me (17f)?

I've gone on two dates with this guy. On the first date there was not much affection but on the second date when we were on our train home I told him I was tired so he put his arm around me and told me to go to sleep and we were cuddling and being super romantic. My friends say he's always looking at me when I'm not looking, and sometimes I glance at him in class and he's already looking at me. We were sat together in maths and he did that sort of checking out look at me when the teacher asked us if we were okay with the seating plan and he said "this is great". The only problem is that at school rn he seems very tense around me all the time and doesn't really talk much to me. He also takes a long time to reply to my text messages. Today I asked him to go to the cinema with me over text and he told me he'll have to "see". He is quite a busy guy; he has a job, does athletics, is a straight A student, and is a school captain. I'm just worried he is losing interest in me. I don't know what to think or do.
Discuss it with him, and not over text. If you want instant replies and a proper back-and-forth do it face-to-face or phone him.

I understand him keeping his personal life quiet at school; it's not an environment where you should be flirting and doing PDAs or want to have other people discussing your love life. I met my boyfriend at work and any interaction in the office was kept professional; however, that didn't mean we weren't being scrutinised and gossiped about.

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