The Student Room Group

I can't imagine me in the future

So many people have these dreams or ambitions that they want to do or acomplish. I have nothing. I can't see myself living past 25. To be fair, i thought i wasnt oging to make it past 18 but here I am. But i just have this mindset of "this exam doesn't matter, i'll be gone soon" or "this isn't that deep, theres no point in doing this bc it wont affect me".

And idk what to do because it still can affect me but its hard to imagine a life i want to be in when im literally motivated by nothing and no one.
Hey I think you need therapy because you seem to be in depression.

I feel like giving advice would not be effective because I'm sure you have heard the same advice again and again. But still, you are going to die one day and THAT'S why you need to make a difference so that people remember you after you are gone.

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