The Student Room Group

Have I messed up with this guy?

I went on a first date on Saturday.

We met working at a festival 10 years ago and matched on a dating app and spoke for one month before meeting.

We spent all day together on Saturday and I got so drunk...we drank from 3pm. He keeps teasing me about the evening and the fact as I was drunk (he said I was flirting with 18 year olds but joking about it) but also wants to see me again this week.

I feel so embarrassed but I annoyingly tried to keep up with him and of course I couldn't!

We spent the next day together too as we ended up staying the same bed although both just passed out.

Have I messed this up or should I see him again?
Reply 1
What makes you think you missed up if you spent two days getting drunk and chatting especially if it was only two of you at the end of the night together? Unless of course you were expecting more to happen and it didn't? In any case it's a first date. Give it a couple more 😀 and I expect things will progress in the usual way!
Reply 2
Original post by AriTem
What makes you think you missed up if you spent two days getting drunk and chatting especially if it was only two of you at the end of the night together? Unless of course you were expecting more to happen and it didn't? In any case it's a first date. Give it a couple more 😀 and I expect things will progress in the usual way!

We both said how great it was and he said it was the funnest day he's ever had.

basically he made a joke that I was flirting with other people and a security guard came up to me and asked for my number lol! obviously we just joked about it but imagine if he says to his friends she was flirting with other people on our date... I'll be honest I was just very drunk and I get chatty!
Reply 3
It doesn't sound like he was upset especially since you kept going on the next day. Don't overthink it and don't drink so much next time 😂
Reply 4
Sounds like a cracking first date

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